Sunday, November 11, 2007

Former French Prime Minister & Others sign Appeal to All Europeans to Prevent War against Iran

Former French Prime minister Michel Rocard signed the Appeal to All Europeans to Prevent War against Iran


On November 8, Michel Rocard decided to co-sign the Appeal to All Europeans, and to send it to a national daily newspaper asking for it to be published. This means we can hope that the Appeal will break the media's "wall of silence", firstly in France , and perhaps in other European countries later or at the same time.

Michel Rocard , a former French Prime Minister, and an MEP, was a member of the Canberra Commission which concluded that complete nuclear disarmament is necessary, and he co-signed the Declaration on the abolition of nuclear weapons released on 2 February 1998 by General Lee Butler, a former head of the US strategic nuclear forces.

Rocard's signature gives a new dimension to our action, enabling us to hope that other political figures, in France, in Europe and in the world, may respond in turn to this Appeal, either by signing it or by acting in their areas of responsibility so that the movement increasingly makes a mark - so that a vast movement of opinion, in Europe as in the US and elsewhere, stands up against the imminent war. We must compel the governments concerned to resolve the "nuclear problem" by diplomatic means, and not just in the case of Iran.

Before he signed, Michel Rocard wished to clarify why "non-proliferation and nuclear disarmament go together. It is urgently necessary for this point to be admitted." (end of paragraph 5 of the Appeal).

We agreed to that request and have interpolated between the 5th paragraph and the 6th (now the 7th) the following new paragraph:

Indeed, only if the International Community commits itself to negotiated nuclear disarmament as required by Article VI of the NPT does it have some prospects of seeing Iran offer concrete and verifiable guarantees (if such things exist) that it will not ever obtain any nuclear weapon. This virtuous spiral should at the same time dissuade other states in the region from wanting to "proliferate", and should lead other de facto nuclear states like Israel, Pakistan and India, to commit themselves also to the path towards a world freed from all nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction, in the Middle East as elsewhere.

The original text then resumes as follows:

To refuse war now does not therefore mean accepting the status quo or postponing war till tomorrow.

Given that this addition merely brings some useful clarifications without in any way changing the fundamentals of the Appeal, we think that all the signatories of the initial version will agree to maintain their signatures. If that is not the case, please let us know quickly. You will find below as well as on ACDN website the current, complete and definitive text of the Appeal to All Europeans To Prevent War Against Iran

We will keep you informed of the results of this initiative. Please feel free to spread the Appeal to be signed by elected people, NGO representatives, personalities, etc. and to send it to the press and medias. We have to enlarge quickly our action.

On November 8 an Israeli source, a generally well-informed one, Guysen International News, published an article " Iran : is War Imminente" That is a signal that deserves to be taken seriously. Let us repeat that war can now occur at any moment and that we must all make the most of each passing day to act with greater determination and effectiveness.

Best wishes,

Jean-Marie Matagne (ACDN France)

Appeal to All Europeans To Prevent War Against Iran
By Michel Rocard, Jean-Marie Matagne , Yehuda Atai

Warnings are coming from all sides : the USA is on a war footing, ready to bomb Iran . It is said that they are waiting only for the presidential order. At the start of October 2007, dozens of US personalities - political, religious, military, intellectual or artistic figures - appealed to the chiefs of staff, officers and soldiers of the USA to refuse any order to attack Iran . This unprecedented appeal underlines how real the risk is of war breaking out in the coming days, weeks or months, and how imperative it is to forestall this risk. That is why we are supporting that appeal launched across the Atlantic, which we wish to extend to Europe .
The invasion of Iraq by the US-led coalition was contrary to the UN Charter and has turned out to be catastrophic. Any aggression against Iran would be just as illegal and even more catastrophic.
The UN Charter states in Article II, e 4 :
All Members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations.

As the authors of the aforementioned US appeal point out, Iran has not attacked the USA, and the USA has signed the UN Charter, therefore any US attack on Iran would be illegal under international law and also under the US Constitution, which recognises treaties as part of the nationes supreme law - and binding on all, of course, including military personnel, who have pledged allegiance to the Constitution. These remarks are equally valid for the rulers, armed forces and citizens of the European members of the UN, whether or not they are NATO allies of the USA . We therefore appeal to them to refuse in advance to cooperate in such a war, whether by giving political,
economic or military assistance or by logistic support.

The ongoing war in Iraq is causing thousands of deaths among armed personnel, and hundreds of thousands in the civilian population. It is an ecological and health catastrophe which is far from being properly measured. It fuels the hatred, fanaticism and terrorism which it was supposed to combat. An attack on Iran , irrespective of its specific targets, methods and initial scale, would considerably aggravate the situation and produce similar results, not to mention its disastrous effects on the world economy. There would be even worse effects if the crazy idea of using tactical nuclear weapons - which exist - were implemented to prevent Iran from building, despite its denials, some nuclear weapons (of which the recent IAEA inspections found no trace.)

The proud people of Iran maintained, under the mullahs leadership, an eight-year war against the aggressions of Saddam Hussein. Another attack on Iran is no way to woo the people away from such leaders. The killing of thousands or hundreds of thousands of Iranians is no way to improve respect for human rights. The attempt to sell nuclear technology to every nation except Iran is no way to convince Iran to renounce such technology. The retention and modernisation of nuclear weapons, as is the current policy of the USA , France and the UK (plus Russia , China , India , Pakistan and Israel ), is no way to force Iran to renounce them. And the continuing disrespect of Article VI of the Non-Proliferation Treaty is no way for the nuclear-weapons states to demand anything of the treaty's other signatories, including Iran . Non-proliferation and nuclear disarmament go together. It is urgently necessary for this point to be admitted.

To refuse war now does not therefore mean accepting the status quo or postponing war till tomorrow. On the contrary, it is a means of giving diplomats time, opportunity and the imperative to produce a global solution of peace and security for all the states and all the peoples of the Middle East , and beyond them for the whole planet. It is away of avoiding new bloodshed. It will allow reason to prevail, and allow our children and grandchildren to live in a world that is less violent, more just and more human. Without war, without nuclear arms or nuclear threats.

Europe can contribute to this. Europeans must stand against the approaching war.

Michel Rocard , former French Prime minister, representative at the European Parliament, participed in the Canberra Committee which concluded to the necessity of a total nuclear disarmament, and he cosigned the Declaration on the abolition of nuclear weapons, published 2 February 1998 by general Lee Butler, former head of the US Strategic Air Command.

Jean-Marie Matagne , Doctor in Philosophy, author of a thesis on power and potential and the balance of terror, is president of the Action of Citizens for the total Dismantling of Nukes (ACDN) and ran to this aim as a candidate in the 2002 French presidential election.

Dr. Yehuda Atai , Israeli, editor of "the world of the Bible", is a member of the Israeli committeee for a Middle East without weapons of mass destruction" and executive secretary of the Mediterranean No Nuclear Neighborhood (MN3) network.

French version

To sign this appeal, please send an email to providing
1. the following personal details to be published:
First name, SURNAME, title or profession, position in the collective for which you sign (possibly), Town (and COUNTRY)
2. for identification and eventual contact:
email address:
full postal address:
phone number:
You may also write to:
ACDN, 31 Rue du Cormier - 17000 Saintes - FRANCE
Thank you!

LIST of signatories
English speaking list - Liste anglophone
NGOs, Parties, Unions, Elected People
Bjern HILT , Regional vice president of IPPNW in Europe (NORWAY)
Thanasis ANAPOLITANOS , Chairman of the board of the MEDITERRANEAN ANTI NUCLEAR WATCH, Rhodes (GREECE)
Eloi GLORIEUX , Member of the Regional Flemish Parliament for the Flemish Green Party "Groen!", Hoeilaart ( BELGIUM )
Wouter DE VRIENDT , Member House of Representatives Belgium (political party: Groen!), Brussel (BELGIUM)
Derman BOZTOK , MD , IPPNW-Turkey General Secretary and International Councilor ( TURKEY )
Paolo SCAMPA , President of the Italian Progressive Party ( ITALY )
Alfred WEBRE , International Director, Institute for Cooperation in Space ( CANADA )
Geri MeLLER , Vice-president, City of Baden , Member of Swiss Parliament ( SWITZERLAND )
Alice SLATER , Director, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation (USA), signatory of the Appeal to US military against war on Iran (USA)
Bruce K. GAGNON , Coordinator, Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space , signatory of the Appeal to US military against war on Iran (USA)
Dave WEBB , Vice Chair CND, Convenor Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space , Convenor Yorkshire CND ( UK )
Wayne HALL, Co-ordinator, Enouranois website ( GREECE )
Harsh KAPOOR , South Asians Against Nukes (INDIA/FRANCE)
Professor em. Marie eSBERG , StressRehab KIDS ( SWEDEN )
Mikael BeeK , coordinator, citizense networks ( FINLAND )
Ak MALTEN , director, Global Anti-Nuclear Alliance (NETHERLANDS)
Tore NAERLAND, chairman, Bike for Peace ( NORWAY)
Michael BENTLEY, Chairperson, & Angie ROCHE , Treasurer, Eastbourne for Peace and Liberty ( ENGLAND )
Hans LAMMERHANT, campaigner, Bombspotting, Gent (BELGIUM)
George FAREBROTHER , Secretary, World Court Project UK ; Treasurer, Institute for Law, Accountability and Peace; Secretary, Eastbourne for Peace and Liberty ; Secretary , Sussex Peace Alliance ( UK )
Nils AAREKOL, No to nuclear weapons ( NORWAY )
Laura SAVINKOFF , Chair of The Boundary Peace Initiative ( Canadian Peace Alliance ) CANADA
John HALLAM, People for Nuclear Disarmament , coordinator of the Appeal by 44 Nobel prizewinners on nuke weapons operating status ( AUSTRALIA )
Artemis Iakovidou HAILI , Economist at the Central Bank of Cyprus, CY-2101 Aglantzia (CYPRUS);
Miras MEDENICA , student, Njegoseva bb-Niksic (MONTENEGRO)
Ralph SAY , Scientific Information Officer, Woking (ENGLAND)
Stelios IOANNOU , M. Sc., electrical engineer, Strovolos (CYPRUS)
Richard THOMPSON COON , artist, biologist, writer, Helsinki (FINLAND)
Tara FARHID-GALLO , Senior Transportation Engineer, Richmondville (CANADA)
Margaret MAIER , retired teacher, Winnipeg (CANADA)
Dora SZABO , graduate economist, Budapest (HUNGARY)
Thanasis GERANIOS , Professor of Nuclear Physics, Athens University (GREECE)
Denis SALTER , Professor of English, Faculty of Arts, McGill University, Montreal (CANADA)
Jack PIACHAUD , Doctor, London (UK)
Dr. Rahim JAMSHIDI , Alfa Group Canada Inc., Toronto (CANADA)
Richard BISHOP , Professor Emeritus of Mathematics, University of Illinois (USA)
Tracey FERGUSON , Victoria (CANADA)
Jordan BISHOP , retired journalist, Ottawa (CANADA)
Gillian SANDERSON , retired musicologist and social worker, Victoria (CANADA)
Leonore WIDE , Saltsjebaden, (SWEDEN)
Bo FRANKENDAL , MD. Ph.D. Ass. Prof., Sundbyberg (SWEDEN)
Sverre WIDE , PhD, Uppsala (SWEDEN)
Lena HeeG , Editor, Stockholm (SWEDEN)
Stina KJELLGREN , Saltsjebaden (SWEDEN)
Lena BRING , speech pathologist, Saltsjebaden (SWEDEN)
P. Rainer FIELENBACH , OCarm., Straubing (GERMANY)
Dr Angelika SCHNEIDER , Lilienthal (GERMANY)
Steven STARR , MT (American Society for Clinical Pathology) (USA)
Claudia KARAS , Frankfurt (GERMANY)
Yvonne EGEY , Data Advisor, Keln (GERMANY)
Dick KILLANDER , Professor em. Dept of Oncology, University Hospital, Lund (SWEDEN)
Prof. Dr. Werner RUF , Edermuende (GERMANY)
Klaus MELF , MD, Peace-Health Project Manager , University of Tromsoe (NORWAY)
Regina HAGEN , Peace Researcher, Darmstadt (GERMANY)
Inge EVELEIGH , Labour Party Education officer, Hastings (UK)
Liste francophone - French speaking list
Associations, partis et syndicats, elus, personnalites
Catherine MOREAU , secretaire, Action des Citoyens pour le Desarmement Nucleaire (FRANCE)
Andre LARIVIERE, Charge des relations internationales du Reseau eSortir du nucleairee (FRANCE)
Patrick CHAPUS , president, Association de Sauvegarde du Patrimoine et du Cadre de Vie de Solerieux, 26 Solerieux (FRANCE)
Carla GOFFI , membre du CA du Mouvement Chretien pour la Paix de Belgique , Bruxelles (BELGIQUE)
Christophe COUDERT, president de leassociation e Cyplien e, 31 Toulouse (FRANCE)
Alain DUCQ , president, et William DUPRE, secretaire general du Parti Humaniste (FRANCE)
Christian COTTEN , president de e Politique de vie e (FRANCE)
Jacques JOLY , president de Franeais du Monde /ADFE du Japon de leOuest (JAPON)
Alain LIPIETZ , depute europeen, vice-president du Parlement Euro-Latinoamerician (groupe Verts/ALE)
Muriel DESLANDES , Coordinatrice, Mouvement Humaniste (FRANCE)
Jean Marc BRUNEEL , President Groupe Non-Violent Louis Lecoin, 59 Dunkerque (FRANCE)
Andre ABEILLON , President association ALTERNe INFO (FRANCE)
Herve OTT , responsable de leinstitut Le Cun du Larzac (FRANCE)
Francis MEULEY , president Planete Odyssee (FRANCE)
Jeanne-Henriette LOUIS , Centre Quaker International de Paris (FRANCE)
Michele GILKINET , presidente du GRAPPE (Groupe de Reflexion et deAction Pour une Politique Ecologique) (BELGIQUE)
Maria BIEDRAWA , co-presidente du MIR (Mouvement International de la Reconciliation) (FRANCE)
Wladimir TCHERTKOFF , journaliste, realisateur (SUISSE)
Monique SENE, physicienne, presidente du GSIEN (Groupement de Scientifique pour leInformation sur leEnergie Nucleaire) (FRANCE)
Claude BASCOMPTE , president des AMIS DE LA TERRE (FRANCE)
Andre BOUNY , president du Comite International de Soutien aux victimes vietnamiennes de leAgent Orange et au proces de New York (FRANCE)
Anna MASSINA, CANVA (Coordination de leAction Non-Violente de leArche de Lanza del Vasto), FRANCE
Frederic LOUCHEL , contreleur de gestion, Ancourt 76
Roger de ANDRADE , retraite, Pluvignier 56
Marie-Noelle ANTOLIN , enseignante, Lusseray 79
Marie-Claude MASSET , agricultrice, St Eustache 74
Jean-Luc VIALARD , employe, Cahors 46
Franeoise BARITEL , Toulouse 31
Nathalie SINEGRE, enseignante, Montreuil 93
Pierre COULOMB , ingenieur, Alboussi 07
Sabine RUBIN , cadre territorial, Les Lilas 93
Martine BEGNE, agricultrice, 46 Sauliac sur Cele
Maryse VERMIS , association MSG (Monde Sans Guerres), Paris 75
Sylvene BAROCHE, chargee de relations institutionnelles, Paris 75
Alain GUILLARD , architecte naval constructeur, Larre 56
Eric BASTIN , chercheur, Le Kremlin-Bicetre 94
Annick RUSSO, responsable administrative, Paris 75
Michelle SALAMERO, formatrice, Paris 75
Bernard DESABLENS , professeur en Medecine, Amiens 80
Nicole JACQUIN , chercheuse, Ergue Gaberic 29
Claude DIDIER , enseignant, Mens 38
Alain DALIBARD , travailleur social, Niort 79
Sylvie DUMONT , peintre, Lavaur 81
Jean MOLENAT, ingenieur, Montpellier 34
Michel PORTAL , professeur des ecoles en retraite, Auray 56
Emmanuel MAURINES , ingenieur commercial, Chazay 69
Anne-Marie HOCHET-KIBONGUI , sociologue, Roissy en Brie 77
Luc DAZY , educateur citoyen, Avy 17
Edith COLIN , enseignante, Longwy 54
Jocelyn PEYRET , salarie, Chambery 73
Alexandre BARDELLI , enseignant retraite, Longwy 54
Stephanie BEAU , sans profession, Toulouse 31
Annie MENUGE , sculpteur, Nemes 30
Catherine HABERT , enseignante, Montessaux 70
Serge BLOTIN , retraite, Marigny-les-Usages 45
Alexandre BARDELLI , retraite, Longwy 54
Franeoise METOIS, orthophoniste, Plaisir 78
Nadege EDWARDS , Bordeaux 33
Sophie LARROUY , traductrice, Juan-les-Pins 06
Agnes LE COUTOUR , psychologue, Virandeville 50
Anna CZAPSKI , responsable culturelle, Leffrinckoucke 59
Aurelia AUBRY , assistante logistique, Selestat 67
Pierre-Jean RIVAULT , correcteur deimprimerie, Nerignac 86
Franeoise DUQUESNOY , Nerignac 86
Christian YACONO , retraite, Sainte-Suzanne 64
Veronique JUND , assistante, Orry-la-ville 60
Jean-Marc BOUYER , gerant, Verdun-sur-Garonne 82
Vesna LAZAREVIC , assistante commerciale, Vicq 03
Loec ROUSSAIN , enseignant retraite, Gouesnaceh 29
Monique GUITTENIT , professeur, Lusignan Petit 47
Odette CHAUVE , retraitee, Morangles 60
Yves POULAIN , pasteur retraite, Manosque 04
Christine DARDALHON , sans profession, Portes 30
Mathias JANSSENS , Technicien TV, Belge, Horrues (Belgique)
Jereme HUVEY , masseur kinesitherapeute, conseiller municipal, Rocquemont 76
Christian BAUER , commereant, Bois-Colombes 92
Yann TRIGANNE , Sortir du nucleaire 49, Angers 49
Jacques MASCA , salarie, Bourges 18
Theodora VERMIS , volontaire Unis Cites, Paris 75
Bernadette BOIVIN , infirmiere, Ales 30
Veronique HERBEUVAL , graphiste, Toulouse 31
Claude DIDIER , enseignant, Mens 38
Doris HUGONNET , retraitee, Grenoble 38
Michel CHRETIEN , retraite de la fonction publique territoriale, Plazac 24
Geraldine ROCHE , concepteur Internet, Paris 75
Christine et Tito CARDOSO, artistes, Messeux 16
Barbara VERHAEGE , mere au foyer, Bruxelles (Belgique)
Pierre GRIGNARD , gerant de societes, president dehonneur de leOffice des sports, Le Blanc 36
Christine HAROUX , assistante clientele, Aubenas 07
Pierre SELLENET , animateur, Ales 30
Christophe ZALIO , enseignant, Bassens 33
Odile LEGRAND , retraitee, Yvetot 76
Christian NORD , agent administratif, Paris 75
Gaelle BOUFFIERE, retraitee, Yvetot 76
Serge PONCIN , artisan, Mireval 34
Claire JOURDAN , infirmiere, Figeac 46
Nathalie ELISSALDE , sans profession, Mulhouse 68
Vera ARGUIROVA & Peter MANUELOV, musiciens, Braine-leAlleud (Belgique)
Jean LAMBERT , Isabelle LEROY, association e Imagine la paix e, Dontreix 23
Danielle NEVEU , retraitee, St Jean deIllac 33
Monique LEON, infirmiere , Morlaix 29
Sylvie BUISSON , traductrice, Choisy le Roi 94
Emmanuel FERRAN , salarie, Lugasson 33
Francine DELAREUX, retraitee, Aubervilliers 93
Philippe GABELLE, travailleur handicape, Aubervilliers 93
Michele TRIPON , professeur de Lettres, Manosque 04
Veronique LONG , secretaire medicale, St Sulpice 01
Franeois MICHIELS , conseiller financier, Lyon 69
Angel GRAZIOLI , cadre sup. retraite, Beziers 34
Odile DUDOUET , Peruwelz (Belgique)
Bernard et Marie-Line CLEMENT, enseignants/altermondialistes, Margival 02
Yves LAIGLE , retraite de la Banque de France, Saintes 17


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