The problems of urban sprawl and the resulting loss of habitat are critical
the human relationship with the environment is off-kilter
The sea level rise caused by global warming puts pressure on bird populations
[Notice - This issue is caused by people not the birds. This and many other nature & people issues can be directly influenced for the better by better policies and actions by individuals and the various decision makers in corporations, governments and other groups.
Today's decisions are being tested by the birds and others. Further testing of these decisions will get similar disastrous results. Adjusting decisions that are no longer working for the better can help. The birds would be much happier to test better decisions.
This issue like many is a local issue that can not be solved locally.
These issues can only be resolved at the global level.
This too can be tested. The birds show the current results of decision making using thinking with artificial borders and boundaries - nations, markets, states, counties, religions, ideologies, isms and all the rest. Even the USA Audubon Society all to often uses the constricted focus of artificial borders. Birds can never recognized these artificial borders. Border free decision making for the better can certainly help the birds.]
The 2007 Audubon WatchList
http://web1.audubon.org/science/species/watchlist/browseWatchlist.phpThe 2007 Audubon WatchList
More Than 1/4 of US Birds Threatened - Report
US: November 29, 2007
WASHINGTON - More than a quarter of all US bird species are vulnerable to extinction, according to a comprehensive list compiled by two conservation groups released on Wednesday. Global warming may be partially to blame.
The new WatchList 2007, compiled by the National Audubon Society and the American Bird Conservancy, found 178 species in the continental United States and 39 in Hawaii in danger.
Of those, 98 are on the "red list" of greatest concern, and 119 in the "yellow" category, indicating their numbers are seriously declining or the species is rare.
Global warming, the loss of habitat due to urban and suburban sprawl and the current US administration's policies on endangered species are all to blame, a co-author of the list said in a telephone interview.
"It's a sign that basically the human relationship with the environment is off-kilter and these are some of the species that are suffering from that," said Gregory Butcher of the National Audubon Society.
The sea level rise caused by global warming puts pressure on bird populations, Butcher said.
Coastal bird habitats of species like the seaside sparrow and the piping plover are likely to be inundated, he said.
"And because there's so many people living close to the oceans, we're not sure that the natural habitats at the edge of the sea will continue to exist in the face of sea level rise," Butcher said.
Arctic birds that breed in Canada and Alaska, such as the puff-breasted sandpiper and the snowy owl, are losing their tundra habitat as the planet warms. "We're very concerned about those species due to global warming," Butcher said.
David Pashley, a co-author from the American Bird Conservancy, agreed that global warming was a "looming threat" but said, "This is not something the bird conservation community can tackle."
The problems of urban sprawl and the resulting loss of habitat are critical, Pashley said by telephone.
Both authors said the Bush administration's policies on endangered species had not helped.
"Unfortunately we've been seven years in an administration that really doesn't believe in the Endangered Species Act, so they've sort of been looking for excuses not to list species that should be added to the act," Butcher said.
Some of the "most imperiled" birds on the WatchList are not protected under the Endangered Species Act, the two groups said in a statement.
These include the Gunnison sage-grouse, whose numbers have been reduced by drought and habitat destruction in Colorado and Utah; the lesser prairie-chicken, which has isolated populations from Kansas to New Mexico; the ashy storm-petrel, whose breeding populations are restricted to the West Coast; and the Kittlitz murrelet, whose breeding and feeding habitat appears linked to Alaska's tidewater glaciers.
The 2007 Audubon WatchList
http://web1.audubon.org/science/species/watchlist/browseWatchlist.phpYou can view information about the natural history and conservation status of each species on the WatchList as well as the threats to each of these species. Species are grouped by family and listed taxonomically within each group. To select a species, first click on the family from the options below. The color before the species name will indicate if the species is on the red list or yellow list.
Family Groups
| Emperor Goose |
Trumpeter Swan | |
Mottled Duck | |
Steller's Eider | |
Spectacled Eider | |
Hawaiian Duck | |
Hawaiian Goose | |
Laysan Duck |
| Greater Sage-Grouse |
| Gunnison Sage-Grouse |
| Sooty Grouse |
| Greater Prairie-Chicken |
| Lesser Prairie-Chicken |
| Mountain Quail |
| Scaled Quail |
| Montezuma Quail |
Loons, Grebes
| Yellow-billed Loon |
| Clark's Grebe |
| Laysan Albatross |
| Black-footed Albatross |
| Short-tailed Albatross |
Shearwaters, Fulmars, Petrels
| Ashy Storm-Petrel |
| Band-rumped Storm-Petrel |
| Black Storm-Petrel |
| Tristram's Storm-Petrel |
| Least Storm-Petrel |
Back to top
Boobies, Gannets | Masked Booby |
| Red-faced Cormorant |
| Magnificent Frigatebird |
Herons, Bitterns, Egrets
| Reddish Egret |
| California Condor |
Hawks, Kites, Osprey, Eagles
| Swallow-tailed Kite |
| Swainson's Hawk |
| Hawaiian Hawk |
Coots, Rails
| Yellow Rail |
| Black Rail |
| Clapper Rail |
| King Rail |
| Hawaiian Coot |
Whooping Crane
| American Golden-Plover |
| Snowy Plover |
| Wilson's Plover |
| Piping Plover |
| Mountain Plover |
Snipe, Sandpipers, Phalaropes, allies
Gulls, Terns, Skimmers
Auks, Murres, Puffins, Guillemots
| Razorbill |
| Marbled Murrelet |
| Kittlitz's Murrelet |
| Xantus's Murrelet |
| Craveri's Murrelet |
| Ancient Murrelet |
| Whiskered Auklet |
| White-crowned Pigeon |
| Green Parakeet |
| Thick-billed Parrot |
| Red-crowned Parrot |
| Mangrove Cuckoo |
Owls, Nightjars
| Flammulated Owl |
| Elf Owl |
| Spotted Owl |
| Short-eared Owl |
| Antillean Nighthawk |
| Black Swift |
| Blue-throated Hummingbird |
| Costa's Hummingbird |
| Calliope Hummingbird |
| Allen's Hummingbird |
| Elegant Trogon |
| Lewis's Woodpecker |
| Red-headed Woodpecker |
| Williamson's Sapsucker |
| Nuttall's Woodpecker |
| Arizona Woodpecker |
| Red-cockaded Woodpecker |
| White-headed Woodpecker |
| Gilded Flicker |
| Ivory-billed Woodpecker |
Story by Deborah Zabarenko, Environment Correspondent
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