10/23/06 |
Rumi, Poet of Love and Justice |
Rumi was born on 30th of September 1207 in Balkh in today's Afghanistan, advocates unlimited tolerance, positive reasoning, goodness, charity and awareness through love. To him and his disciples, all religions are truth and his peaceful and tolerant teaching has appealed to people of all sects and creeds. It is one way in which he described himself:
... Rumi wrote the largest corpus of lyric poetry in the Persian language, amounting to 40,000. Jalal el-Din Rumi was more than just a poet. ... His poems were more down to earth ... The beauty of Rumi's poems transcends the scope of belief, location, and time. ... "Jalaluddin Rumi was, among many other things, a lover of irony, of the odd and absurd juxtapositions that life creates. ... Perhaps the popularity of this great poet is rooted in the world's quest for spirituality as Rumi's poems reflect human's quest for love. ... "Rumi's spirituality is suffused by a sense of cosmic homelessness and separation from God, the divine source." Rumi himself invites the world to join in the spiritual journey by saying:
9/10/07 Rumi Celebration in Sacramento: "The Language of the Heart"

"The content of Rumi's poetry transcends time, countries, language and culture, because he writes on the heart,"
"Rumi's idea of love is inclusive of all people regardless of country, race or religion."
Rumi did not write his poems down or edited them. ... he would recite his poems while his disciples recorded them.
In his work, the central theme is always love, stemming from Rumi's thought that everyone is given a heart and the ability to love with it.
One of Rumi's poems reads,
"Go and wash off all hatred from your chest
seven times with water
then you can become our companion
drinking the wine of love."
Mawlana’s vision, words, thoughts and life teach us how to reach inner peace and happiness and act throughout our life for the well-being of the entire humanity.
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