Saturday, September 8, 2007

Bin Laden's Latest - Text & Diverging Commentary - Who Benefits From Bin? Enough Of This!

[It is not simple to find the full text of the latest Bin Laden video. Have the people that talk about the video read the full text?? Yet the spin based on what? goes on and on - for all sorts of agendas. Below are two transcripts - one from MSNBC an messy photo copy (can't they do better than that) and the other (at least readable) is the only other reference at the top of Google searches. The commentary below is diverging to say the least. Enough of this yada!]

September 08, 2007 Saturday

Al Qaeda: Osama bin Laden's Latest Video
September 07, 2007 21 08  GMT

NBC News released the text of an alleged new video of Osama bin Laden on Sept. 7. Though the video is addressed to the United States, the message is clearly meant for al Qaeda's constituency as the jihadist leader provides justification for young mujahideen to continue their war against the West.

In the 25-minute video, bin Laden addresses the American people and lays out his argument for why U.S. Democrats are unable to stop the Iraq war. He spends a great deal of time echoing the works of Noam Chomsky in condemning capitalism and globalization, arguing that the "money talks" notion is hardwired into the U.S. political system and is what drives the war industry. Toward the end of the speech, he calls for Americans to convert to Islam and makes an awkward outreach to Christians by noting how the Koran mentions Jesus and Mary dozens of times and even affirms the concept of the virgin birth. It is quite possible that the speech was written or influenced by Adam Gadahn, also known as Azzam the American, who is also referred to in the video. Bin Laden has not exhibited detailed knowledge of American political discourse in any of his previous communiques.

The fact that he referenced the anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki as being observed "a few days ago" (the anniversaries are Aug. 6 and Aug. 9) means the tape was probably recorded in mid-August. This would be in line with the pattern of bin Laden's statements taking at least three weeks to be released after being recorded.

If the video is authentic, the main takeaway from the message is that bin Laden is, in fact, alive. He has not appeared in a video since November 2004, and for operational security reasons has avoided making any media appearances. The last video was made at what was perceived as a major turning point for the United States ahead of the congressional elections. Bin Laden likely chose to risk making his reappearance at this time to take advantage of a critical juncture in U.S. politics over how to proceed in Iraq. His speech will strike a chord among al Qaeda's sympathizers and franchise jihadist groups, but it does not necessarily raise the threat level for attacks against the West. The gradual degradation of al Qaeda's apex leadership has significantly hampered the group's ability to carry out meaningful attacks against Western targets. Moreover, bin Laden's vision of creating an Islamic Caliphate by toppling corrupt Muslim regimes has proven unattainable. Even in this new video, bin Laden has no accomplishment to tout other than 9/11, nor does he make any specific threats.

Nonetheless, bin Laden remains the central inspirational figure to the modern jihadist movement, and the perceived proof of his continued survival from this video could aid regional jihadist nodes in recruitment and maintenance of their support networks.

Read translated transcript of the video

The document is skewed so the conversion to text is less than adequate:

Fallo\,ving is a transcrIpt:     "     -'
All pra Ise Is due to Allah, who built th .. heavens and earth In ~st:lce; and ereatell man ao a favor a~ grace fTom Him. And fr<lm His ways is tl1at the claV' rotate between the peopl", ancl rrom His. Law Is retilli,tion in ~ind.: an aye I'or an eye. a tooth f<1r a tooth and the I<11ler Is killed. Ancl all pral.a is due
. IiO AII"h, who awa \rened His slaves' desire for the GarQ"". and all of them will enter jt e"eept thOSe 'who r';fuse., And whoever obeys Him 'alone tnall of hls effalrs w\1l enter the G'arde", and whoev~
    dis001=YS Him wll1 have refused.     '     . ,
As fa" what .;orne. after: Peace be upon he whO follows the Guidance. reople 01 Arnene", I sholl be , to you on tmportanttoplCi whIch <oncerQYou, so lend me your earn. I begin bv·dlscusstng
    the' ""ar which Is between \JS and some oflt:s repercussions for us and you.     .
. To preface. I say: desplt. Ameri.a being the greatest economiC: power and possessing tho most poweJfUI and up-to-date military arsenal as well; anti deSP1ft it: spending on this war and I. armY
    more than the entIre world spends on its armies~ and despite it the bein'g the major state,     '
Influ"ncing the pollde. of the world, as If it has a monopoly cin the unju.t r1ght of veto I despite all of this, 19 young men ware able - by the grata of Allah. the Most Hlgh- to chonge the direction of Its compass. And In fact, the subject of the Mujahideen hao become an In •• parable part of the speech
of ycur leader, and 'the. effe~ and signs of that are not hidden.-
Sine,: the 11 til, many of Americ:a's policies have ceme under the Influence of the Muj~I1'deen~ and' that is by the grace of Allah, the Most High. And' as a result, the people dIscovered the trutti about it. I~' "",utation wo .... ned. Its prestige ..... bro",," globallY and it: was b led dry economically. even If our I nterests overlap wlth the (ntere5t~ of the major corporations and also wil:t\ those of the
    neo~:Qnservati"es, ~espl~ the differIng Intentions. '     '
And for your infor.mation media, during the first y~ars of th~ war, lost its c~edibili~ an~ manifested
. itself as a tool of the colonialist omplres. a"d its condltlon has often beeM worse than the condition of the m.edla of thedlctatorial regimes which march fn the caravan of the single leader.
Th~1' f;)ush talks about his working with aH~aUki and his government to'spread free~om tn traq b~t' he In fad: is working with the leadl!!'$ of one sect against another sect, in thebellef that this will
qull:l<1y decide the war In his favor,
And thus, what is called the cMI war came into beine, and matters' worsened at his 'hands before ' Slet:dng out of his control and him becomIng Ilke the one who ~Iows and sawS the sea; he harvests
    'not:hirig but failure.     .

So the:;e are some of-the results of the freedom about whose spread{ng ,he is talking'-to you. And then tt e backtracking of 61.lsh on hIs insisten1:e on not giving the UJ"Iited Nations ~anded'
jurisdi~tion il"l Iraqis an Implicit admission of his \OS$ and defeat there.     .
Ana ar''1ong the most Important items contall"~d in 6ush's speeches since the events of the 3-1 th is . that t~le Americans have'no option but to continue the war. 'this tone Is in fact an echoing of the words of neoconservativeS like Cheney, Rumsfeld and Richard Pearle, th& 1atter having said previolJsly that the Americans have no choice In front ofthem other than to continue the war Dr face
a holo,;aust.'     .     ',' .     .
I say, refuting this unjust statement, that the morality and culture of the holocaust iG your culture,
    not Ollr culture. In fact,buming Iivin9 beings Is forbidden in our religion, even ifthev be small like     ~
the erlt, so what of man?1 The holocal.lst oftlw Jews was carried out byvour brethren in ttte mi~dle of EUMpe~ but had it been closer to our ,ountries, most of the. Jews wo~ld have been,saved by . takln«;l, refuge with us. And my 'proof for that is In what your brothers, the Spanishr did when they set LJp the horrible courts of the InquIsitIon to try Muslims and Jews, when tbe 'ews onlY found safe shelte. by taking refuge in our countrIeS. And that \s why the Jewish Community In today is one od the largest communities in the world. They are alive with us and we have f\.ot inc;ioerated them, but we are a people whQ don't sleep under oppression and reject humiliation ~nd'~ii!;grace, al"lq V'tle tal<e revenge on the people of tyranny and aggression, and the blood' of the Muslims will not be spilled with impunity, and the morrow is nigh for he wha awaits.
'AI~o, '(our Christian bro'thers have been nving among us for 14 centuries: in J;9ypt alone, there 'are mIllions of Christians whom we have not.lnclnerilteQ and shall nat !ncTneratt:;. But the fact is, the~e is ,a conl:lnulng and biased' campaign being waged against us for a long time noW by yourpoUtielans and n'lany of your wrIters py way of your medIa, especially Hollywood, for the purpose of m\sre,:Iresenting Islam and its adherents to drive you away from thetTue religion. Th~ genocide of peopl ~ and their holocausts took place at your tiands: only a few specimens of Red Indians were spare::i, B\,\d jU!?t a few days 21go, the Japanese observed the 62nd anniversary of the annihilation of
Hirosl1ima and Nagasakl by your nuclear weapcins~
And (I mong the things whlc:h catch the eye, of the one who consiqers the reperc\.lssionS ofyollr unjust war cl geinst Iraq is the ~Ilure. of your democratic syste.m, despite It raising of the slogans of justice, libert~, equality and humanitarianIsm. It has not only ratted to achIeve these things, it has actually' destr'~yed these and other concepts with its weapons ~ especially in·Iraq and Afghanlstan- in a
bra%r; n fashion, to replace them with fear, destruction, killing" hunger, illness, displacement and more than a mUllon orphans i" Baghdad alone, not to mention hundreds of thousands of widows. Arne. leans statistics speak of the killing of more thaf'1 650,000 of the people of Iraq as a result Of the.
    war i:lnd Its repercussions;     . '
Peop"e of America; the World Is follOWing YOLlf regards to your Invasion ofIraq, for people have, recently corne to know that, after several years of ttle tragedies of thIs war, ttle vast majorIty of yel u went it stopped. Thus, you elected the Democratic Party for ttlls' purpose, but the Democrats havGIn't made a move worth mentIoning. On the co\,\trary, they cOntInue to agree to the spending of tens of billions to continue the killing and war there, whIch has led to the vast majort~ of you being
affli(:ted with dlsapPo.i,ntment.     '
And here is the gist of ~he matter, sa one should pause, 'think and reflect; why have the Democrats
failel~ to stop this war, despite them being the majo.r1ty?     '
I wil come back to reply to this question after raising another question, which is~
Wh)1 are the leaders of the White House keen to start wars and wage them around the world, and, make use of. every possible opportunity throLlgh which they can reach thrs purpose, occasionally evel" creating juStificatIons oased on deceptIon and blatant: lies, as you saw Iraq",

.. a

    ,     '     '
In the 'Jletnam War, the lea~ei's of the White House <l.imed .tthe.~methllt jtwap necessalY and. crucial war, and during it. Rum~feld and his aldes murclered two mllhon Vmagers~ And when Kennedy,
, took over the p~sidencY and devia,ted from the general line of policy d~awn up for ~e White House and wa nted to stop this unjust war, that angered ,the owners of the maJor corporations wh~ w~re '
    benefi~lng from Its contif1u~tlcn.     '
And SCI Kenl"l~dy was killed, and al.Qalda w~snrt present at that time, b~t'rather, those, ~CrPorations were t,e primary beneficiary from his killir'lg. And the war con~lnue:d after that fOr approximately one dt;i c:ade. 6utafterit became clear to you tha~ it was an un)ust and unnecessary w~r;' you made
, one of your greatest mistakes, l.n that you neither brouQht to account nor pl.lnis~ed those who wagep this ww net even the m.ost violent,of Its murden!rS, Rumsfeld. And even more Inc:redlt;lle th~n that is that Busli picked him as secret?=rv of defense in his first term after pic\C.lng ~hEney ~s hl~ Vlce- . presldi~nt, Powell as secretary of state and ArmItage as Powell's deputy, despite t~elr homfic an~ blood !istory of murdering humans. So that was clear signal that his admInistration· tt\e:
. admin stration of the generals- didn't have as its mainconcem the ser..rlng of humanity, but rather, was Interested In bringing about- new massacres. Yet in spite of that, you permitted Bush to ' , compl ~te his first term, and stranger stili, c:hosehim for a second term, which gave him a dear mandllte from you. with your full knowledge and consent;, to continue to murder our people In Iraq'
    and A\'ghan\stan. '     '
Then 'lOU claim to 'be Innocent! This Innocel'lce of yours is IikEf my Innocence of thti blOOQ of your sons (Il'l the 11th _ were I to c1aiiTI such a thing. aut it is Impossible for me to humor any,of yoU in the al'rogClnce and indIfference you show for the lives of humans outside Amertcq, or fQr me to humo - your leaders in lying, as the entIre world knows they have the Bon's share. of that. Tnese. morals aren1t our morals. What I want to emphasize here is that not taldng past war,
crimil! als to account led to them repe.ating that crime of killing humanity without rlg~t and waging this I.lnjustwCir in Mesopotamia, and,as a result, here are the oppressed ones today I:ontinuing to
    t~ke 'heir right from you. '     .
This 'liar was entirely \.mnecessary, as testIfied to by your own reports. And amQ\'I9 the'most capal~lle of those from your own. side who st:leak to you on this topic and on tile manufacturing of publl~: opinion,is Noam Chomsky, who spoke sober words of advice prior to the war, but the leader of
    Texa~i doesn't like those -who gi\le ,advice. The e"tlre world came out in LJl'\precedented     '
demc: nstrattons to wam against waging the war and describe its trLlenature In eloquent terms lik.e ~Ino tl) spilling red blood for b,lack 011," yet he, paid them no heed. It is time forhurnanl<jnd to know that talk of the rights of man and 'freedom are lies produced by the White HDuse and Its allies In
    ,Euro;,e to deceive humans, take control of"their destinies and subj~eete them.     ','     ,
So irl answer to the question ~bout the causes of the DemQCiciltsl failure to stop the war; I say: they are t .. e same reasons which led to the failure of former preside.nt Kennedy to stop the Vietnam war. Thos!! with real power and Influence are those with the most c:apital. AnQ slnce the democratic:: systE m permits major corl=lor:atlo~s to back candidates, be they ~re5identlal or congre$sIOnal, there sholl,dn t be any cause fer astonlshment • and there Isn't any- in the Oemocrats' failure to stop the w~r. ,And you're the ones who tlave the saytng which goes, "Money talk$." , And! tell you: after the
, fallUI e. or your representatives In the Democr~tIc Party t.o Implement your desire to stop the war, you' can :!itlll carry anti.war placards and spread out in the streets of major citIes, then go back to your hom'2s, Qut that wr\l be of no use and will lead tD the prolonging of the war.
How.~ver, there are two' solutions for stopping it. The first is from'our sIde, and' It Is to continue to escatlate the killing 'and fightlM against you. This 'is our duty, and our~rothers are .ca'rrying Itout, and t, ask Allah to grant them resolve and victory. And the second soluttof'l Is from your side. It has noW become clear to you ~nd the entire wor1~ the Impotence of the democratic system and hoV/ It play ~ wit'" the InterestS of the peoples Clnd their blood by sacrificing soldiers and populations to
    achi,=ve the Interests of the. major corporations.     .
AT'ld witl'1 that, it has become clear to an that they are the real tyrannical terrorists. ,In fact, th~ life


of all olf 'mal1l<:ind is in danger because of the global warming re$u'tln~ to a large degr:e from the emissl~ms of the factories of the major corporations, yet: despite that, the representatl'll6 of these corponstlons in the, White House insists on not opserv1n9 the'l<yoto accord, with, the knowledge that, the stilttstic speaks of the death and dlsplacernent of the million; of human beIngs b.ecause of that,
, especiHlly in AfrIca. This greatest of plagu~s anq most dangerous ~f threats to th~ hves of humans Is 'tc\kins place ,In an accelerating fashion as the world is being dOl)"inated by ttle democratIc system, . whIch :onfirms its massive fanure to protect humans and their Interests from the greed and avarIce
    of the major corporations and thelrrepresenUltlves.     '     .
Alld d~:splte this brazen attack on the people, the leaders of the West - especially Bush, Blair, Sarko:ry and Brown- stilt talk apout ~edom,and human rlghts with a flagrant diSreg,ard fot' the
. lntellel;ts of human beinSlS. So is there a form of terrorism stronger, clearer and more dangerous than, tl,ls? This Is why I tell YDU~ as you liberated yourselves before from the slillvery ofmon!cs, kings, and feudaITsm, you should liberate yourselves from the deception, shackle~ and attrition of
    the c:a pita list system.     .
If YOLJ were to ponder It well, YOLI would find that In the end, it i~ a System harsher and fiercer than your systems In the. MIddle Ages. The caprtallst$Ystem seelcs to tum the entire worl~ Into ~ fiefdom of the major corporations under the label of "globalization" in order to protect democracy.
And 11 aq and Afghanistan and their tragedlesi and the reeling of many of you under the burden of intere,st-related debts, insane taxes and real estate mortgages: global warming and its woes; and the alliject poverty and tragic hunger in Africa: all oft:his is but one sIde of the grim face of this
9lobal system.
So it Is Imperative that you free yourselves from all of that and search for an alternative, upright methpdology,in whIch it is not the business of any cfass of humanity to lay down its own laws to its own il dvantage at the expense of the other classes as 15 the case with you, since the essence of man- nade positive laws is that they serve the interests of those with the capital and thus make the
rl(:h richer and ttle poor poorer. '
The [Ilfallible methodology i!i the methodology of Allah', the Most High, wtio created the heavens and eartn,and created the Creation and Is the Most Kind and All-Informed and the Knower of the souls of His slaves and the methodology that best ~Uits them.
You tlE;lIeVe with absolute certainty that: you believe in, Allah, and you are full of convictIon of this
    . beliel, 50 much so that you have written this belief of yours on YOLlr dollar.     ,     .
But tie tr~th is th~t you are mistatce in this belief of yours. The impartial judge knows that belief in Allah requires str.:lIghtness In the following of His methodol,agy, and accordingly, total obedience mus~ be to the orders and prohIbitions of Allao Alene in all aspects of life.
So hl}W about you when you associate others with Him in your beliefs and separate state from
    religion, then claim that you are believers?!     '
Whal: y~u ha\ledone is dear loss, and manifest polytheism, And I will give, you ~ parable of
    pol'flhelsm, as pa,rables surnma~lze and clarifY speech.     '     "
: tell you: i~ parable Is the parabl~of,a man who owns a shop and hires a worker and tells him,
Sell and give me the money," but he makes sales and give the money to someone other than the
    ownl~r. $0 who of you would approve of that'?     .
Yo,u belie'lfe that Allan Is your I-ord and your Creator and the Creator of this earth and that'lt Is His property, the~ you, work on. HiS earth and property without His orders and wIthout obeying Hlm,and yOIJ legislate," contradIction to Hi5 Law and methodology.

This "",n<. of yo," I'S Is the greatest form of polvtndsrn and 15 rebel~on against obedience to Allah w\\l1. which 1:\1e believer" an unbeliever, even if he obO'(" Allah on some of HI. 0t!j~r 1del'St A~h, the Mo.t High, s.nt down His orders In His Sacred Books w. the. Torah and Evange an sen: . them the Messengel'S (Anah" prayers and peace be upon th.mla •. bea",rs of good news to th
peOplE!.     ' •
And everyone who believes in them and complies with tt¥om i. a belleverfrom th: ·peop\e of the Garde" Then wh.n tn. men <>f Knowledg. alt .... d tile words of AIIah,.ti'I. Most High, and sold them for a ~altrV p~ce, as the rabbis did wiltl the Toran and.the monks with the Evatlllel, Anah sent down Hi' flnel soak, the ma~nmcient Quran, and s.feg"~ed It from being edded to or subtracted from .
, by tliEl hands of men, and in it is a comple~ me~hod9109Y for the lives of all people.,     "
And our holciil:lg firm to t!'\ls ~a9nlfiCient Book. is the secret of our strength and winning, of the war
    againu,t you despIte the fewness, of our numbers aod materiel.     '
    ,     '
A.nd 11' you would' like to get to know some of the reaSOnS for your losing of, your war against us, then
    read I:he bool( of Michael Scheuer if'\ thlJj regard.'"     '     '
Don't be turned away from ls,lqm by tl1e terribie situation of the Muslims today, for our ~'ers in general abandoned Islam many dec.ades ago; but our forefathers were the'leaders and pIoneers of
    the W:lrld for many centurIes, when they held firmly to Islam.     '
And t:efore concluding, 1 tell you: there has been an increase in 'th~ thinkers whc'studyeventS and, happ~mlnss, a,nd on,the t:lasi.s of their study, they have declared tl'1e approach of the collapse of the
American Empir~.
Amclilg the.m is the European thlnker who anticipated the fall of the soviet Union,' which indeed fell. ~nd I c would benefit you to read what he wrote about what comes after the empire in regard to the Unlte!d states of America. I also ~ant to bring your attention that among the greatest reasons fo'r the c:~lIapseof the soviet Union was their beIng affltctedwith thelrleqder, arezhnev, who was overtaken by pride and arrogance and refused to 1001< at.the facts on the ground. from the first year of the Afghanistan' invasion, reports indicated that the Russlans'were losing ttle war, but he refuSied to acknowledge this, lest It go down in his personal history as a defeat, eyen though refUsal to acknowledge defeat not only doesn't do anything to change the facts for thinking people, but alsQ e,xac ~rbates the problem and Increpses the losses. And how similar is your position today to their, positIon approximatelY two decades ago. The mista~es of Srezhnev are being r~peated by Sushi who ~ when asked about the date of his withdrawing of forces from Iraq ~ said In effect that the
    withlirawal will not be during his reigfl, but rather, during the reign of ttle one who succeeds him,         /
    And the significance of these words Is not hidden.     '     '     .
And here I say.~ it wo~ld benefit you to listen to the poignant message~ of your soldiers In'lraq, who Clre I)aylng~ WIth theIr blood, nerves and scattered limbs - the price for these sorts of Irresponsible statmnents. Among them is the eloquel'lt message of Joshua which he sent by way of the media, In whlc h he wipes the tears from his eyes and descrlbes American politicians in harsh terms and invites ther', to, join him thera for a few days. Perhaps his message will flnd'ln you an attentIve e~r SQ YOU can rescue him and more than 150/000 of your sons, there 'who are'tastlng the two, bitterest things:
If tt1ey leave their barracks:, the mines devour them, and If they refuse to leave, n.J1ings a~ pqssed against the.m. Thus, the only options left In front of them are to cl)mmit suic:ide or cry, bQth of which are From the severest of afflictions. So Is there anything ""ore men can do after crying and killing themselve$ to make you respond to them?' They are doing th~t out of the $everltv of the hunliliation, fear and terror which they are suffering. It Is severer than what the slaves used to 5ufiier at your hands centuries ago, and It Is as if SQme of them have gone from one slavery tc cmClther slavery more severe end harmful, even if it be in the fancy dress of tl'\e Oefense
    De~: artment's financial enticements.·     ' ..
9/~I(07 .

So clo you feel the greatness of their sufferings?
To cont:lude, 1 invite you to embrace Islam, for tl'te greatest: mistake one can mq\ce in this world and one W~I ich is uncorrectable Is to die wl1lle MOt: surrendering to Allah, the Most High, In all aspects of one's lIfe _ ie., to die outside of Islam. And islam means'gain fer you I" this first life and ttle next, final lIfl~. The'true religion is a mercy for people in their lives, filllng their heartS, wIth se~enltv and
calm.     ' ..
There is a message fer you In the Mujahfdeen; the entire world Is In pursuit of. them, yet: their     .
. hearts, by the grace of Allah, are satisfied and tranquil. The true religion also puts peoples' nves In order ""ith its laws; protects their neeQs and interests; refines theirmora1s; protects them from evlls; ~lnc\ guarantees for them entrance into Paradise in the hereafter through their obedienc:e tg
    A\I~h clndsincere worshIp of Him Alone.     ' "     "
And rt Mil also achieve, your desIre to stop the WBr as a consequence, because as soon a~ the warmc\ "gering owners of the major corporatIons realize that you have lost confidence in your democ:ratic system ancf begun to search for an alternative, and tnat this aitematiVe is Islam, they will rUl\ after you to please you and achieve what you want to steer you away frorn Islam. Savour
    true cc,mpliance with Islam wUl deprive them of tJ,e opportunity to defraud the peoples and tatc:e,     '
their money under numberous pretexts, lIk.e arr(\s deals and so on.
There are no taxes In Islam., but rather there Is a Itmlted Zakaat (elms] totaling onlY 2.5%. So, bewap~ of the deception of those wIth the capi~\. A.nd with your earnest reading about'tslam from its prlfltine sources, you will arrive at an important truth, which is that the religion of an 'of the ?rophots (peace and blessings of Allah be Llpon them) Is one, and that its essenee is submIssIon to
    the onjers of Allah Alone In all aspects of I1fe, even if their Sharj1ahs] dIffer.     "

And did you know that the name of the Prophet of Allah Jesus and his mother (peace and blessings of AU21h be anthem both) are mentioned in the. Noble Quran dozens of times, and that 11'1 the Quran
    .     ,     .
there 5 a chapter whose name is "Maryam," i.e. Marv, dauchter of 'Imran and mother of 'esus
(peacu and blessings of Allah be upon them both)? It tells the story of her becoming pregnant with the P")phet: of Allah jesus (peace and blessings of Allah be upon them both), and in its c:onfirmetlcn of her' ct1astity and purity, in contrast to the faprlc:atlons of the Jews against her. Whoever wishes ta find t1, at out for himself must listen to the verse of this magnificent chapter: one of the ius~,\C.in9s of the C;1'Ir\s~ians _ the NegUS - listened ta someef its verses and his eyes welled up wlth tears and he said sl)methlng which should be reflected on for a long time by those sincere fn their. search for the
    He sa.d, "verily, this and what Jesus brought come from one lantern": i,e., that th,e mag~if1cent     '
Qural" and the Evangel are both from Allah, the Mos.t Hi9h; and every just and Intelligent one of you who r~ects on the- QIJran will definitely arrfve at this truth. It also must be noted that Allah has preselved the Quran from the alteratlans of men. A.t:td reading in order to become acquainted with
, Islam only requires a little effort, and those of you who are guIded will profit greatlY. And peace be
    upon ne who follows the Gulqance•     .

Text of Bin Laden Speech

September 7th, 2007 · 1 Comment

I just finished typing it in.

I’ve seen an image of the text in some places, and partial transcripts in others, but the image is hard to quote or to fisk. This speech begs for fisking, close analysis and fact correction, and for comparing different passages to the statements of different anti-war figures like Noam “Terrorist Buddy” Chomsky, Cindy “Smoothie Diet” Sheehan, “Dingy” Harry Reid, Michael “Sicko” Moore, Nancy “Blinky” Pelosi, John “Lurch” Kerry, and the sonorous retard himself, Keith “4th place in his timeslot” Olbermaniac.

The text seems as if it was written in English and translated to Arabic. It would be useful to find out where Bin Laden and Jewish convert Adam Gadahn got the language for this speech, which hits every single leftist and socialist argument (except Abu Ghraib and Gitmo, which have already been used several times) against the Global Counterjihad, and also appeals to Republicans by promising tax cuts under Islamic governance. The scattershot style actually sounds desperate, as if he would say anything to get the US to stop fighting and leave him alone. I think he realizes that Al Qaeda is beaten in Afghanistan and Iraq, and this is a last ditch effort to stop the systematic dismantling of Al Qaeda in Iraq and the Taliban in Afghanistan. And there is one other thing that reinforces this analysis, this feeling, that I get from the words. Look at the pictures of Bin Laden in 2004 and 2007. As Robert Spencer notes, if Osama Bin Laden has dyed his hair and beard black, it means he is preparing to fight and kill or be killed in Jihad for the sake of Allah. He is preparing to physically fight, which he has not yet done in Al Qaeda’s Global Jihad, preferring to direct his doomed minions from a safe area in the rear. He has taken the coward’s path until now. But for this video he has dyed his hair and beard black as Blackbeard the Pirate. It would seem that he is preparing some last ditch spectacular attack, with the hope being that it will change the momentum of the battles in Iraq or Afghanistan and give his Jihadist followers and allies breathing room. He might even have some kind of spectacular suicide attack using WMDs in mind, and might even sacrifice his own life for the cause.

This is if Bin Laden is alive. It is very possible that he is dead and his spectre is being used to distract attention away from living Jihadists. Omar al Baghdadi, the ostensible Iraqi head of Al Qaeda in Iraq, is a fictional character. If Al Qaeda uses a fictional character as a figurehead for one of their organizations it is no great leap to think they might use a dead man as a figurehead for another one. It is as if NATO claimed that Ronald Reagan, Winston Churchill, and Napoleon were secretly directing global Counterjihad plans.

Have at it. All I ask is that you link back to where you got it.


All praise is due to Allah, who built the heavens and earth in justice, and created man as a favor and grace from Him. And from His ways is that the days rotate between the people, and from His Law is retaliation in kind: an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth and the killer is killed. And all praise is due to Allah, who awakened His slaves’ desire for the Garden, and all of them will enter it except those who refuse. And whoever obeys Him alone in all of his affairs will enter the Garden, and whoever disobeys Him will have refused.As for what comes after: Peace be upon he who follows the Guidance. People of America: I shall be speaking to you on important topics which concern you, so lend me your ears. I begin by discussing the war which is between us and some of its repercussions for us and you.

To preface, I say: despite America being the greatest economic power and possessing the most powerful and up-to-date military arsenal as well; and despite it spending on this war and its army more than the entire world spends on its armies; and despite it being the major state influencing the policies of the world, as if it has a monopoly on the unjust right of veto; despite all of this, 19 young men were able - by the grace of Allah, the Most High - to change the direction of its compass. And in fact, the subject of the Mujahideen has become an inseparable part of the speech of your leader, and the effects and signs of that are not hidden.

Since the 11th, many of America’s policies have come under the influence of the Mujahideen, and that is by the grace of Allah, the Most High. And as a result, the people discovered the truth about it, its reputation worsened, its prestige was broken globally and it was bled dry economically, even if our interests overlap with the interests of the major corporations and also with those of the neoconservatives, despite the differing intentions.

And for your information media, during the first years of the war, lost its credibility and manifested itself as a tool of the colonialist empires, and its condition has often been worse than the condition of the media of the dictatorial regimes which march in the caravan of the single leader.

Then Bush talks about his working with al-Maliki and his government to spread freedom in Iraq but he is in fact is working with the leaders of one sect against another sect, in the belief that this will quickly decide the war in his favor.

And thus, what is called the civil war came into being and matters worsened at his hands before getting out of his control and him becoming like the one who plows and sows the sea: he harvests nothing but failure.

So these are some of the results of the freedom about whose spreading he is talking to you. And then the backtracking of Bush on his insistence on not giving the United Nations expanded jurisdiction in Iraq is an implicit admission of his loss and defeat there.

And among the most important items contained in Bush’s speeches since the events of the 11th is that the Americans have no options but to continue this war. This tone is in fact an echoing of the words of neoconservatives like Cheney, Rumsfeld and Richard Perle, the latter having said previously that the Americans have no choice in front of them other than to continue the war or face a holocaust.

I say, refuting this unjust statement, that the morality and culture of the holocaust is your culture, not our culture. In fact, burning living beings is forbidden in our religion, even if they be small like the ant, so what of man?! The holocaust of the Jews was carried out by your brethren in the middle of Europe, but had it been closer to our countries, most of the Jews would have been saved by takng refuge with us. And my proof for that is in what your brothers, the Spanish, did when they set up the horrible courts of the Inquisition to try Muslims and Jews, when the Jews only found safe shelter by taking refuge in our countries. And that is why the Jewish community in Morocco today is one of the largest communities in the world. They are alive with us and we have not incinerated them, but we are a people who don’t sleep under oppression and reject humiliation and disgrace, and we take revenge on the people of tyranny and aggression, and the blood of the Muslims will not be spilled with impunity, and the morrow is night for he who awaits.

Also, your Christian brothers have been living among us for 14 centuries in Egypt alone, there are millions of Christians whom we have not incinerated and shall not incinerate. But the fact is, there is a continuing and biased campaign being waged against us for a long time now by your politicians and many of your writers by way of your media, especially Hollywood, for the purpose of misrepresenting Islam and its adherents to drive you away from the true religion. The genocide of peoples and their holocausts took place at your hands: only a few specimens of Red Indians were spared, and just a few days ago, the Japanese observed the 62nd anniversary of the annihilation of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by your nuclear weapons.

And among the things which catch the eye of the one who considers the repercussions of your unjust war against Iraq is the failure of your democratic system, despite it raising of the slogans of justice, liberty, equality and humanitarianism. It has not only failed to achieve these things, it has actually destroyed these and other concepts with its weapons - especially in Iraq and Afghanistan - in a brazen fashion, to replace them with fear, destruction, killing, hunger, illness, displacement and more than a million orphans in Baghdad alone, not to mention hundreds of thousands of widows. American statistics speak of the killing of more than 650,000 of the people of Iraq as a result of the war and its repercussions.

People of America: the world is following your news in regards to your invasion of Iraq, for people have recently come to know that, after several years of the tragedies of this war, the vast majority of you want it stopped. Thus, you elected the Democratic Party for this purpose, but the Democrats haven’t made a move worth mentioning. On the contrary, they continue to agree to the spending of tens of billions to continue the killing and war there, which has led to the vast majority of you being afflicted with disappointment.

And here is the gist of the matter, so one should pause, think and reflect: why have the Democrats failed to stop this war, despite them being the majority?

I will come back to reply to this question after raising another question, which is:

Why are the leaders of the White House keen to start wars and wage them around the world, and make use of every possible opportunity through which they can reach this purpose, occasionally even creating justifications based on deception and blatant lies, as you saw Iraq?

In the Vietnam War, the leaders of the White House claimed at the time that it was a necessary and crucial war, and during it, Rumsfeld and his aides murdered two million villagers. And when Kennedy took over the presidency and deviated from the general line of policy drawn up for the White House and wanted to stop this unjust war, that angered the owners of the major corporations who were benefiting from its continuation.

And so Kennedy was killed, and al-Qaeda wasn’t present at that time, but rather, those corporations were the primary beneficiary from his killing. And the war continued after that for approximately one decade. But after it became clear to you that it was an unjust and unnecessary war, you made one of your greatest mistakes, in that you neither brought to account nor punished those who waged this war, not even the most violent of its murderers, Rumsfeld. And even more incredible than that is that Bush picked him as secretary of defense in his first term after picking Cheney as his vice-president, Powell as secretary of state and Armitage as Powell’s deputy, despite their horrific and bloody history of murdering humans. So that was a clear signal that his administration - the administration of the generals - didn’t have as its main concern the serving of humanity, but rather, was interested in bringing about new massacres. Yet in spite of that, you permitted Bush to complete his first term, and stranger still, chose him for a second term, which gave him a clear mandate from you - with your full knowledge and consent - to continue to murder our people in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Then you claim to be innocent! This innocence of yours is like my innocence of the blood of your sons of the 11th - were I to claim such a thing. But it is impossible for me to humor any of you in the arrogance and indifference you show for the lives of humans outside America, or for me to humor your leaders in their lying, as the entire world knows they have the lion’s share of that. These morals aren’t our morals. What I want to emphasize here is that not taking past war criminals to account led to them repeating that crime of killing humanity without right and waging this unjust war in Mesopotamia, and as a result, here are the oppressed ones today continuing to take their right from you.

This war was entirely unnecessary, as testified to by your own reports. And among the most capable of those from your side who speak to you on this topic and on the manufacturing of public opinion is Noam Chomsky, who spoke sober words of advice prior to the war, but the leader of Texas doesn’t like those who give advice. The entire world came out in unprecedented demonstrations to warn against waging the war and describe its true nature in eloquent terms like “no to spilling red blood for black oil,” yet he paid them no heed. It is time for humankind to know that talk of the rights of man and freedom are lies produced by the White House and its allies in Europe to deceive humans, take control of their destinies and subjugate them.

So in answer to the question about the causes of the Democrats’ failure to stop the war, I say: they are the same reasons which led to the failure of former president Kennedy to stop the Vietnam war. Those with real power and influence are those with the most capital. And since the democratic system permits major corporations to back candidates, be they presidential or congressional, there shouldn’t be any cause for astonishment - and there isn’t any - in the Democrats’ failure to stop the war. And you’re the ones who have the saying which goes, “Money talks.” And I tell you: after the failure of your representatives in the Democratic Party to implement your desire to stop the war, you can still carry anti-war placards and spread out in the streets of major cities, then go back to your homes, but that will be of no use and will lead to the prolonging of the war.

However, there are two solutions for stopping it. The first is from our side, and it is to continue to escalate the killing and fighting against you. That is our duty, and our brothers are carrying it out, and I ask Allah to grant them resolve and victory. And the second solution is from your side. It has now become clear to you and the entire world the impotence of the democratic system and how it plays with the interests of the peoples and their blood by sacrificing soldiers and populations to achieve the interests of the major corporations.

And with that, it has become clear to all that they are the real tyrannical terrorists. In fact, the life of all of mankind is in danger because of the global warming resulting to a large degree from the emissions of the factories of the major corporations, yet despite that, the representative of these corporations in the White House insists on not observing the Kyoto accord, with the knowledge that the statistic speaks of the death and displacement of the millions of human beings because of that, especially in Africa. This greatest of plagues and most dangerous of threats to the lives of humans is taking place in an accelerating fashion as the world is being dominated by the democratic system, which confirms its massive failure to protect humans and their interests from the greed and avarice of the major corporations and their representatives.

And despite this brazen attack on the people, the leaders of the West - especially Bush, Blair, Sarkozy and Brown - still talk about freedom and human rights with a flagrant disregard for the intellects of human beings. So is there a form of terrorism stronger, clearer and more dangerous than this? This is why I tell you: as you liberated yourselves before from the slavery of monks, kings, and feudalism, you should liberate yourselves form the deception, shackles and attrition of the capitalist system.

If you were to ponder it well, you would find that in the end, it is a system harsher and fiercer than your systems in the Middle Ages. The capitalist system seeks to turn the entire world into a fiefdom of the major corporations under the label of “globalization” in order to protect democracy.

And Iraq and Afghanistan and their tragedies; and the reeling of many of you under the burden of interest-related debts, insane taxes and real estate mortgages; global warming and its woes; and the abject poverty and tragic hunger in Africa: all of this is but one side of this global system.

So it is imperative that you free yourselves from all of that and search for an alternative, upright methodology in which it is not the business of any class of humanity to lay down its own laws to its own advantage at the expense of the other classes as is the case with you, since the essence of man-made positive laws is that they serve the interests of those with the capital and thus make the rich richer and the poor poorer.

The infallible methodology is the methodology of Allah, the Most High, who created the heavens and earth and created the Creation and is the Most Kind and All-Informed and the Knower of the souls of His slaves and the methodology that best suits them.

You believe with absolute certainty that you believe in Allah, and you are full of conviction of this belief, so much that you have written this belief of yours on your dollar.

But the truth is that you are mistaken in this belief of yours. The impartial judge knows that belief in Allah requires straightness in the following of His methodology, and accordingly, total obedience must be to the orders and prohibitions of Allah Alone in all aspects of life.

So how about you when you associate others with Him in your beliefs and separate state from religion, then claim that you are believers?!

What you have done is clear loss and manifest polytheism, and I will give you a parable of polytheism, as parables summarize and clarify speech.

I tell you: its parable is the parable of a man who owns a shop and hires a worker and tells him, “Sell and give me the money,” but he makes sales and gives the money to someone other than the owner. So who of you would approve of that?

You believe that Allah is your Lord and your Creator and the Creator of this earth and that it is His property, then you work on His earth and property without His orders and without obeying Him, and you legislate in contradiction to His Law and methodology.

This work of yours is the greatest form of polytheism and is rebellion against obedience to Allah with which the believer becomes an unbeliever, even if he obeys Allah in some of his other orders. Allah, the Most High, sent down His orders in His Sacred Books like the Torah and Evangel and sent with them the Messengers (Allah’s prayers and peace be upon them) as bearers of good news to the people.

And everyone who believes in them and complies with them is a believer from the people of the Garden. Then when the men of knowledge altered the words of Allah, the Most High, and sold them for a paltry price, as the rabbis did with the Torah and the monks with the Evangel, Allah sent down his final Book, the magnificent Quran, and safeguarded it from being added to or subtracted from by the hands of men, and in it is a complete methodology for the lives of all people.

And our holding firm to this magnificent Book is the secret of our strength and winning of the war against you despite the fewness of our numbers and materiel.

And if you would like to get to know some of the reasons for your losing of your war against us, then read the book of Michael Scheuer in this regard.

Don’t be turned away from Islam by the terrible situation of the Muslims today, for our rulers in general abandoned Islam many decades ago, but our forefathers were the leaders and pioneers of the world for many centuries, when they held firmly to Islam.

And before concluding, I tell you: there has been an increase in the thinkers who study events and happenings, and on the basis of their study, they have declared the approach of the collapse of that American Empire.

Among them is the European banker who anticipated the fall of the Soviet Union, which indeed fell. And it would benefit you to read what he wrote about what comes after the empire in regard to the United States of America. I also want to bring to your attention that among the greatest reasons for the collapse of the Soviet Union was their being afflicted with their leader Brezhnev, who was overtaken by pride and arrogance and refused to look at the facts on the ground. From the first year of the Afghanistan invasion, reports indicated that the Russians were losing the war, but he refused to acknowledge this, lest it go down in his personal history as a defeat, even though refusal to acknowledge defeat not only doesn’t do anything to change the facts for thinking people, but also exacerbates the problem and increases the losses. And how similar is your position today to their position approximately two decades ago. The mistakes of Brezhnev are being repeated by Bush, who - when asked about the date of his withdrawing of forces from Iraq - said in effect that the withdrawal will not be during his reign, bur rather, during the reign of the one who succeeds him. And the significance of those words is not hidden.

And here I say: it would benefit you to listen to the poignant messages of your soldiers in Iraq, who are paying - with their blood, nerves and scattered limbs - the price for these sorts of irresponsible statements. Among them is the eloquent message of Joshua which he sent by way of the media, in which he wipes the tears from his eyes and describes American politicians in harsh terms and invites them to join him there for a few days. Perhaps his message will find in you an attentive year so you can rescue him and more than 150,000 of your sons there who are tasting the two bitterest things:

If they leave their barracks, the mines devour them, and if they refuse to leave, rulings are passed against them. Thus the only options left in front of them are to commit suicide or cry, both of which are from the severest of afflictions. So is there anything more men can do after crying and killing themselves to make you respond to them? They are doing that out of the severity of the humiliation, fear and terror which they are suffering. It is severer than what the slaves used to suffer at your hands centuries ago, and it is as if some of them have gone from one slavery to another slavery more severe and harmful, even if it be in the fancy dress of the Defense Department’s financial enticements.

So do you feel the greatness of their sufferings?

To conclude, I invite you to embrace Islam, for the greatest mistake one can make in this world and one which is uncorrectable is to die while not surrendering to Allah, the Most High, in all aspects of one’s life - i.e. to die outside of Islam. And Islam means gain for you in this first life and the next, final life. The true religion is a mercy for people in their lives, filling their hearts with serenity and calm.

There is a message for you in the Mujahideen: the entire world is in pursuit of them, yet their hearts, by the grace of Allah, are satisfied and tranquil. The true religion also puts peoples’ lives in order with its laws; protects their needs and interests; refines their goals; protects them from evils; and guarantees for them entrance into Paradise in the hereafter through their obedience to Allah and sincere worship of Him Alone.

And it will also achieve your desire to stop the war as a consequence, because as soon as the warmongering owners of the major corporations realize that you have lost confidence in your democratic system and begun to search for an alternative, and that this alternative is Islam, they will run to you to please you and achieve what you want to steer you away from Islam. So your true compliance with Islam will deprive them of the opportunity to defraud the peoples and take their money under numerous pretexts, like arms deals and so on.

There are no taxes in Islam, but rather there is a limited Zakat (alms) totaling only 2.5%. So beware of the deception of those with the capital. And with your earnest reading about Islam from its pristine sources, you will arrive at an important truth, which is that the religion of all of the Prophets (peace and blessings of Allah be upon them) is one, and that its essence is submission to the orders of Allah Alone in all aspects of life, even if their Shari’ahs [Laws] differ.

And did you know that the name of the Prophet of Allah Jesus and his mother (peace and blessings of Allah be on them both) are mentioned in the Noble Quran dozens of times, and that in the Quran there is a chapter whose name is “Maryam,” i.e. Mary, daughter of ‘Imran and mother of Jesus (peace and blessings of Allah be upon them both)? It tells the story of her becoming pregnant with the Prophet of Allah Jesus (peace and blessings of Allah be upon them both), and in its confirmation of her chastity and purity, in contrast to the fabrications of the Jews against her. Whoever wishes to find that out for himself must listen to the verse of this magnificent chapter: one of the just kings of the Christians - the Negus - listened to some of its verses and his eyes welled up with tears and he said something which should be reflected on for a long time by those sincere in their search for the truth.

He said, “verily, this and what Jesus brought come from one lantern”: i.e. that the magnificent Quran and the Evangel are both from Allah, the Most High; and every just and intelligent one of you who reflects of the Quran will definitely arrive at this truth. It also must be noted that Allah has preserved the Quran from the alterations of man. And reading in order to become acquainted with Islam only requires a little effort, and those of you who are guided will profit greatly. And peace be upon he who follows the Guidance.

The End

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1 response so far ↓

  • This Planet // Sep 8th 2007 at 08:32

    Osama has never failed in ensuring his tapes get released at the most politically opportune times - not for ‘Al-Qaeda’ - but for the Neo-Cons and the Bush administration.

    On the eve of the Iraq war, during Colin Powell’s infamous presentation to the UN, an audio tape in which bin Laden claimed he was allied with Saddam Hussein surfaced, a gift-wrapped present for the Neo-Cons who had consistently been proven wrong in their assertion that there was a connection between Iraq and 9/11.

    The Osama tapes are about as genuine as a used car salesman convention, and have been proven fraudulent on countless occasions. They are nothing more than crude propaganda unleashed in a desperate move to put the genie of what really happened on 9/11 back in the bottle. infowars dot com


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