Here are two of the beautiful people and their interviews:
The importance of water:
Growing up in the countryside outside of Baghdad:
See the faces of thousands more and see what they have to say.
Add yourself.
September 18, 2010
Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean. --Ryunosuke Satoro
See Yourself in Six Billion Others:

After 10 years flying over the planet to carry out THE EARTH SEEN FROM THE SKY, YANN ARTHUS-BERTRAND launched in 2003 with Sibylle d'Orgeval and Baptiste Rouget-Luchaire the project « 6 billion Others ».
5 000 INTERVIEWS were filmed in 75 COUNTRIES by 6 REPORTERS who went in search of the Others.
From a Brazilian fisherman to an Australian lawyer, from a German performer to an Afghan farmer, they all answered the same questions:
- What have you learnt from your parents?
- What do you want to pass on to your children ?
- What ordeals have you been through ?
- What does love mean to you?
To continue this extraordinary human experience you can learn more about the current exhibitions and check out the news by visiting
Be The Change:
Recognize yourself in others: find common ground with a stranger, or someone who seems impossibly distinct from you.
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