Monday, June 7, 2010

Chris Hedges: How To Deal With The Increase Of Christian Fascists

Let us openly defy the liberal establishment, which will not save us, to
demand and fight for economic reparations for our working class.
Let us
reincorporate these dispossessed into our economy. Let us
give them a reality-based hope for the future.

Relationships based on love recognize that others have a right to be.
These relationships accept the sacredness of difference.
This acceptance means that no one individual or belief system captures or espouses an absolute truth.

The liberal class has proved useless

an ineffectual and bankrupt liberal class
unable to roll back surging unemployment, protect us from speculators on Wall Street, or save our dispossessed working class from foreclosures, bankruptcies and misery.

the rational, secular forces, those that speak in the language of fact and evidence, are hated and ultimately feared, for they seek to pull believers back into “the culture of death” that nearly destroyed them.

At this point it is a fight for survival.

The sacredness of the other is anathema for the Christian right, which
cannot acknowledge the legitimacy of other ways of being and believing.
There can be no alternative ways to think or to be.
All alternatives must be crushed.

a distinctly modern, totalitarian movement.
Facts are altered.
Lies become true.

facts are replaced with overt forms of indoctrination.
a Republican Party that is being hijacked by this lunatic fringe.

forces that seek to dismantle what is left of our democracy and
abolish the pluralism that was once the hallmark of our society.

the excuse used by these totalitarian forces, this Christian fascism,
to extinguish what remains of our open society.

creationist “scientists” who use the language of science to promote anti-science.
The destruction of rational and empirically based belief systems is fundamental to the creation of all totalitarian ideologies.

“What convinces masses are not facts,”
convinces them of consistency in time.” 

Ideological, theological and political debates are useless with the Christian right.
It does not respond to a dialogue.
It is impervious to rational thought and discussion.

If we do not have a right to be,
if our very existence is not legitimate ...
there can be no dialogue.

legal” tools to spy on, arrest, deny habeas corpus to, and torture or assassinate American citizens
he world of Christian fantasy

cult of masculinity pervades the movement
glorification of violence, is deeply appealing to those who feel disempowered and humiliated.

Christ returns and eviscerates the flesh of millions of nonbelievers

Violence must be used to cleanse the world
a perpetual state of war.

Global war, even nuclear war, is not to be feared, but welcomed as the harbinger of the Second Coming.


The Christian Fascists Are Growing Stronger

by Chris Hedges

Tens of millions of Americans, lumped into a diffuse and fractious movement known as the Christian right, have begun to dismantle the intellectual and scientific rigor of the Enlightenment. They are creating a theocratic state based on “biblical law,” and shutting out all those they define as the enemy. This movement, veering closer and closer to traditional fascism, seeks to force a recalcitrant world to submit before an imperial America. It champions the eradication of social deviants, beginning with homosexuals, and moving on to immigrants, secular humanists, feminists, Jews, Muslims and those they dismiss as “nominal Christians”—meaning Christians who do not embrace their perverted and heretical interpretation of the Bible. Those who defy the mass movement are condemned as posing a threat to the health and hygiene of the country and the family. All will be purged.

The followers of deviant faiths, from Judaism to Islam, must be converted or repressed. The deviant media, the deviant public schools, the deviant entertainment industry, the deviant secular humanist government and judiciary and the deviant churches will be reformed or closed. There will be a relentless promotion of Christian “values,” already under way on Christian radio and television and in Christian schools, as information and facts are replaced with overt forms of indoctrination. The march toward this terrifying dystopia has begun. It is taking place on the streets of Arizona, on cable news channels, at tea party rallies, in the Texas public schools, among militia members and within a Republican Party that is being hijacked by this lunatic fringe.

Elizabeth Dilling, who wrote “The Red Network” and was a Nazi sympathizer, is touted as required reading by trash-talk television hosts like Glenn Beck. Thomas Jefferson, who favored separation of church and state, is ignored in Christian schools and soon will be ignored in Texas public school textbooks. The Christian right hails the “significant contributions” of the Confederacy. Sen. Joseph McCarthy, who led the anti-communist witch hunts of the 1950s, has been rehabilitated, and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is defined as part of the worldwide battle against Islamic terror. Legislation like the new Jim Crow laws of Arizona is being considered by 17 other states.

The rise of this Christian fascism, a rise we ignore at our peril, is being fueled by an ineffectual and bankrupt liberal class that has proved to be unable to roll back surging unemployment, protect us from speculators on Wall Street, or save our dispossessed working class from foreclosures, bankruptcies and misery. The liberal class has proved useless in combating the largest environmental disaster in our history, ending costly and futile imperial wars or stopping the corporate plundering of the nation. And the gutlessness of the liberal class has left it, and the values it represents, reviled and hated.

The Democrats have refused to repeal the gross violations of international and domestic law codified by the Bush administration. This means that Christian fascists who achieve power will have the “legal” tools to spy on, arrest, deny habeas corpus to, and torture or assassinate American citizens—as does the Obama administration.

Those who remain in a reality-based world often dismiss these malcontents as buffoons and simpletons. They do not take seriously those, like Beck, who pander to the primitive yearnings for vengeance, new glory and moral renewal. Critics of the movement continue to employ the tools of reason, research and fact to challenge the absurdities propagated by creationists who think they will float naked into the heavens when Jesus returns to Earth. The magical thinking, the flagrant distortion in interpreting the Bible, the contradictions that abound within the movement’s belief system and the laughable pseudoscience, however, are impervious to reason. We cannot convince those in the movement to wake up. It is we who are asleep. 

Those who embrace this movement see life as an epic battle against forces of evil and Satanism. The world is black and white. They need to feel, even if they are not, that they are victims surrounded by dark and sinister groups bent on their destruction. They need to believe they know the will of God and can fulfill it, especially through violence. They need to sanctify their rage, a rage that lies at the core of the ideology. They seek total cultural and political domination. They are using the space within the open society to destroy it. These movements work within the confining rules of the secular state because they have no choice. The intolerance they promote is muted in the public assurances of their slickest operators. Given enough power, and they are working hard to get it, any such cooperation will vanish. The demand for total control and for a Christian nation and the refusal to permit any dissent are on display within their inner sanctums. These pastors have established within their churches tiny, despotic fiefdoms, and they seek to replicate these little tyrannies on a larger scale.

Many of the tens of millions within the Christian right live on the edge of poverty. The Bible, interpreted for them by pastors whose connection with God means they cannot be questioned, is their handbook for daily life. The rigidity and simplicity of their belief are potent weapons in the fight against their own demons and the struggle to keep their lives on track. The reality-based world, one where Satan, miracles, destiny, angels and magic did not exist, battered them like driftwood. It took their jobs and destroyed their future. It rotted their communities. It flooded their lives with alcohol, drugs, physical violence, deprivation and despair. And then they discovered that God has a plan for them. God will save them. God intervenes in their lives to promote and protect them. The emotional distance they have traveled from the real world to the world of Christian fantasy is immense. And the rational, secular forces, those that speak in the language of fact and evidence, are hated and ultimately feared, for they seek to pull believers back into “the culture of death” that nearly destroyed them.

There are wild contradictions within this belief system. Personal independence is celebrated alongside an abject subservience to leaders who claim to speak for God. The movement says it defends the sanctity of life and advocates the death penalty, militarism, war and righteous genocide. It speaks of love and promotes fear of damnation and hate. There is a terrifying cognitive dissonance in every word they utter.

The movement is, for many, an emotional life raft. It is all that holds them together. But the ideology, while it regiments and orders lives, is merciless. Those who deviate from the ideology, including “backsliders” who leave these church organizations, are branded as heretics and subjected to little inquisitions, which are the natural outgrowth of messianic movements. If the Christian right seizes the legislative, executive and judicial branches of government, these little inquisitions will become big inquisitions.

The cult of masculinity pervades the movement. Feminism and homosexuality, believers are told, have rendered the American male physically and spiritually impotent. Jesus, for the Christian right, is a muscular man of action, casting out demons, battling the Antichrist, attacking hypocrites and castigating the corrupt. This cult of masculinity, with its glorification of violence, is deeply appealing to those who feel disempowered and humiliated. It vents the rage that drove many people into the arms of the movement. It encourages them to lash back at those who, they are told, seek to destroy them. The paranoia about the outside world is stoked through bizarre conspiracy theories, many championed in books such as Pat Robertson’s “The New World Order,” a xenophobic rant that includes attacks on liberals and democratic institutions.

The obsession with violence pervades the popular novels by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins. In their apocalyptic novel, “Glorious Appearing,” based on LaHaye’s interpretation of biblical prophecies about the Second Coming, Christ returns and eviscerates the flesh of millions of nonbelievers with the sound of his voice. There are long descriptions of horror and blood, of how “the very words of the Lord had superheated their blood, causing it to burst through their veins and skin.” Eyes disintegrate. Tongues melt. Flesh dissolves. The Left Behind series, of which this novel is a part, contains the best-selling adult novels in the country.

Violence must be used to cleanse the world. These Christian fascists are called to a perpetual state of war. “Any teaching of peace prior to [Christ’s] return is heresy…” says televangelist James Robinson.

Natural disasters, terrorist attacks, instability in Israel and even the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are seen as glorious signposts. The war in Iraq is predicted, believers insist, in the ninth chapter of the Book of Revelations, where four angels “which are bound in the great river Euphrates will be released to slay the third part of men.” The march is inevitable and irreversible and requires everyone to be ready to fight, kill and perhaps die. Global war, even nuclear war, is not to be feared, but welcomed as the harbinger of the Second Coming. And leading the avenging armies is an angry, violent Messiah who dooms hundreds of millions of apostates to a horrible and gruesome death.

The Christian right, while embracing a form of primitivism, seeks the imprint of law and science to legitimate its absurd mythologies. Its members seek this imprint because, despite their protestations to the contrary, they are a distinctly modern, totalitarian movement. They seek to co-opt the pillars of the Enlightenment in order to abolish the Enlightenment. Creationism, or “intelligent design,” like eugenics for the Nazis or “Soviet” science for Stalin, must be introduced into the mainstream as a valid scientific discipline—hence the rewriting of textbooks. The Christian right defends itself in the legal and scientific jargon of modernity. Facts and opinions, once they are used “scientifically” to support the irrational, become interchangeable. Reality is no longer based on the gathering of facts and evidence. It is based on ideology. Facts are altered. Lies become true. Hannah Arendt called it “nihilistic relativism,” although a better phrase might be collective insanity.

The Christian right has, for this reason, its own creationist “scientists” who use the language of science to promote anti-science. It has fought successfully to have creationist books sold in national park bookstores at the Grand Canyon and taught in public schools in states such as Texas, Louisiana and Arkansas. Creationism shapes the worldview of hundreds of thousands of students in Christian schools and colleges. This pseudoscience claims to have proved that all animal species, or at least their progenitors, fit on Noah’s ark. It challenges research in AIDS and pregnancy prevention. It corrupts and discredits the disciplines of biology, astronomy, geology, paleontology and physics.

Once creationists can argue on the same platform as geologists, asserting that the Grand Canyon was not created 6 billion years ago but 6,000 years ago by the great flood that lifted up Noah’s ark, we have lost. The acceptance of mythology as a legitimate alternative to reality is a body blow to the rational, secular state. The destruction of rational and empirically based belief systems is fundamental to the creation of all totalitarian ideologies. Certitude, for those who could not cope with the uncertainty of life, is one of the most powerful appeals of the movement. Dispassionate intellectual inquiry, with its constant readjustments and demand for evidence, threatens certitude. For this reason incertitude must be abolished.

“What convinces masses are not facts,” Arendt wrote in “Origins of Totalitarianism,” “and not even invented facts, but only the consistency of the system which they are presumably part. Repetition, somewhat overrated in importance because of the common belief in the masses’ inferior capacity to grasp and remember, is important because it convinces them of consistency in time.”   

Augustine defined the grace of love as Volo ut sis—I want you to be. There is, he wrote, an affirmation of the mystery of the other in relationships based on love, an affirmation of unexplained and unfathomable differences. Relationships based on love recognize that others have a right to be. These relationships accept the sacredness of difference. This acceptance means that no one individual or belief system captures or espouses an absolute truth. All struggle, in their own way, some outside of religious systems and some within them, to interpret mystery and transcendence.

The sacredness of the other is anathema for the Christian right, which cannot acknowledge the legitimacy of other ways of being and believing. If other belief systems, including atheism, have moral validity, the infallibility of the movement’s doctrine, which constitutes its chief appeal, is shattered. There can be no alternative ways to think or to be. All alternatives must be crushed.

Ideological, theological and political debates are useless with the Christian right. It does not respond to a dialogue. It is impervious to rational thought and discussion. The naive attempts to placate a movement bent on our destruction, to prove to it that we too have “values,” only strengthens its legitimacy and weakness our own. If we do not have a right to be, if our very existence is not legitimate in the eyes of God, there can be no dialogue. At this point it is a fight for survival.

Those gathered into the arms of this Christian fascist movement are desperately struggling to survive in an increasingly hostile environment. We failed them; we owe them more: This is their response. The financial dislocations, the struggles with domestic and sexual abuse, the battle against addictions, the poverty and the despair that many in the movement endure are tragic, painful and real. They have a right to their rage and alienation. But they are also being used and manipulated by forces that seek to dismantle what is left of our democracy and abolish the pluralism that was once the hallmark of our society.

The spark that could set this conflagration ablaze could be lying in the hands of a small Islamic terrorist cell. It could be in the hands of greedy Wall Street speculators who gamble with taxpayer money in the elaborate global system of casino capitalism. The next catastrophic attack, or the next economic meltdown, could be our Reichstag fire. It could be the excuse used by these totalitarian forces, this Christian fascism, to extinguish what remains of our open society.

Let us not stand meekly at the open gates of the city waiting passively for the barbarians. They are coming. They are slouching toward Bethlehem. Let us shake off our complacency and cynicism. Let us openly defy the liberal establishment, which will not save us, to demand and fight for economic reparations for our working class. Let us reincorporate these dispossessed into our economy. Let us give them a reality-based hope for the future. Time is running out. If we do not act, American fascists, clutching Christian crosses, waving American flags and orchestrating mass recitations of the Pledge of Allegiance, will use this rage to snuff us out.

Chris Hedges writes a regular column for Hedges graduated from Harvard Divinity School and was for nearly two decades a foreign correspondent for The New York Times. He is the author of many books, including: War Is A Force That Gives Us Meaning, What Every Person Should Know About War, and American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War on America.  His most recent book is Empire of Illusion: The End of Literacy and the Triumph of Spectacle


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Chris Hedges: How To Deal With The Increase Of Christian Fascists

Let us openly defy the liberal establishment, which will not save us, to
demand and fight for economic reparations for our working class.
Let us
reincorporate these dispossessed into our economy. Let us
give them a reality-based hope for the future.

Relationships based on love recognize that others have a right to be.
These relationships accept the sacredness of difference.
This acceptance means that no one individual or belief system captures or espouses an absolute truth.

The liberal class has proved useless

an ineffectual and bankrupt liberal class
unable to roll back surging unemployment, protect us from speculators on Wall Street, or save our dispossessed working class from foreclosures, bankruptcies and misery.

the rational, secular forces, those that speak in the language of fact and evidence, are hated and ultimately feared, for they seek to pull believers back into “the culture of death” that nearly destroyed them.

At this point it is a fight for survival.

The sacredness of the other is anathema for the Christian right, which
cannot acknowledge the legitimacy of other ways of being and believing.
There can be no alternative ways to think or to be.
All alternatives must be crushed.

a distinctly modern, totalitarian movement.
Facts are altered.
Lies become true.

facts are replaced with overt forms of indoctrination.
a Republican Party that is being hijacked by this lunatic fringe.

forces that seek to dismantle what is left of our democracy and
abolish the pluralism that was once the hallmark of our society.

the excuse used by these totalitarian forces, this Christian fascism,
to extinguish what remains of our open society.

creationist “scientists” who use the language of science to promote anti-science.
The destruction of rational and empirically based belief systems is fundamental to the creation of all totalitarian ideologies.

“What convinces masses are not facts,”
convinces them of consistency in time.” 

Ideological, theological and political debates are useless with the Christian right.
It does not respond to a dialogue.
It is impervious to rational thought and discussion.

If we do not have a right to be,
if our very existence is not legitimate ...
there can be no dialogue.

legal” tools to spy on, arrest, deny habeas corpus to, and torture or assassinate American citizens
he world of Christian fantasy

cult of masculinity pervades the movement
glorification of violence, is deeply appealing to those who feel disempowered and humiliated.

Christ returns and eviscerates the flesh of millions of nonbelievers

Violence must be used to cleanse the world
a perpetual state of war.

Global war, even nuclear war, is not to be feared, but welcomed as the harbinger of the Second Coming.


The Christian Fascists Are Growing Stronger

by Chris Hedges

Tens of millions of Americans, lumped into a diffuse and fractious movement known as the Christian right, have begun to dismantle the intellectual and scientific rigor of the Enlightenment. They are creating a theocratic state based on “biblical law,” and shutting out all those they define as the enemy. This movement, veering closer and closer to traditional fascism, seeks to force a recalcitrant world to submit before an imperial America. It champions the eradication of social deviants, beginning with homosexuals, and moving on to immigrants, secular humanists, feminists, Jews, Muslims and those they dismiss as “nominal Christians”—meaning Christians who do not embrace their perverted and heretical interpretation of the Bible. Those who defy the mass movement are condemned as posing a threat to the health and hygiene of the country and the family. All will be purged.

The followers of deviant faiths, from Judaism to Islam, must be converted or repressed. The deviant media, the deviant public schools, the deviant entertainment industry, the deviant secular humanist government and judiciary and the deviant churches will be reformed or closed. There will be a relentless promotion of Christian “values,” already under way on Christian radio and television and in Christian schools, as information and facts are replaced with overt forms of indoctrination. The march toward this terrifying dystopia has begun. It is taking place on the streets of Arizona, on cable news channels, at tea party rallies, in the Texas public schools, among militia members and within a Republican Party that is being hijacked by this lunatic fringe.

Elizabeth Dilling, who wrote “The Red Network” and was a Nazi sympathizer, is touted as required reading by trash-talk television hosts like Glenn Beck. Thomas Jefferson, who favored separation of church and state, is ignored in Christian schools and soon will be ignored in Texas public school textbooks. The Christian right hails the “significant contributions” of the Confederacy. Sen. Joseph McCarthy, who led the anti-communist witch hunts of the 1950s, has been rehabilitated, and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is defined as part of the worldwide battle against Islamic terror. Legislation like the new Jim Crow laws of Arizona is being considered by 17 other states.

The rise of this Christian fascism, a rise we ignore at our peril, is being fueled by an ineffectual and bankrupt liberal class that has proved to be unable to roll back surging unemployment, protect us from speculators on Wall Street, or save our dispossessed working class from foreclosures, bankruptcies and misery. The liberal class has proved useless in combating the largest environmental disaster in our history, ending costly and futile imperial wars or stopping the corporate plundering of the nation. And the gutlessness of the liberal class has left it, and the values it represents, reviled and hated.

The Democrats have refused to repeal the gross violations of international and domestic law codified by the Bush administration. This means that Christian fascists who achieve power will have the “legal” tools to spy on, arrest, deny habeas corpus to, and torture or assassinate American citizens—as does the Obama administration.

Those who remain in a reality-based world often dismiss these malcontents as buffoons and simpletons. They do not take seriously those, like Beck, who pander to the primitive yearnings for vengeance, new glory and moral renewal. Critics of the movement continue to employ the tools of reason, research and fact to challenge the absurdities propagated by creationists who think they will float naked into the heavens when Jesus returns to Earth. The magical thinking, the flagrant distortion in interpreting the Bible, the contradictions that abound within the movement’s belief system and the laughable pseudoscience, however, are impervious to reason. We cannot convince those in the movement to wake up. It is we who are asleep. 

Those who embrace this movement see life as an epic battle against forces of evil and Satanism. The world is black and white. They need to feel, even if they are not, that they are victims surrounded by dark and sinister groups bent on their destruction. They need to believe they know the will of God and can fulfill it, especially through violence. They need to sanctify their rage, a rage that lies at the core of the ideology. They seek total cultural and political domination. They are using the space within the open society to destroy it. These movements work within the confining rules of the secular state because they have no choice. The intolerance they promote is muted in the public assurances of their slickest operators. Given enough power, and they are working hard to get it, any such cooperation will vanish. The demand for total control and for a Christian nation and the refusal to permit any dissent are on display within their inner sanctums. These pastors have established within their churches tiny, despotic fiefdoms, and they seek to replicate these little tyrannies on a larger scale.

Many of the tens of millions within the Christian right live on the edge of poverty. The Bible, interpreted for them by pastors whose connection with God means they cannot be questioned, is their handbook for daily life. The rigidity and simplicity of their belief are potent weapons in the fight against their own demons and the struggle to keep their lives on track. The reality-based world, one where Satan, miracles, destiny, angels and magic did not exist, battered them like driftwood. It took their jobs and destroyed their future. It rotted their communities. It flooded their lives with alcohol, drugs, physical violence, deprivation and despair. And then they discovered that God has a plan for them. God will save them. God intervenes in their lives to promote and protect them. The emotional distance they have traveled from the real world to the world of Christian fantasy is immense. And the rational, secular forces, those that speak in the language of fact and evidence, are hated and ultimately feared, for they seek to pull believers back into “the culture of death” that nearly destroyed them.

There are wild contradictions within this belief system. Personal independence is celebrated alongside an abject subservience to leaders who claim to speak for God. The movement says it defends the sanctity of life and advocates the death penalty, militarism, war and righteous genocide. It speaks of love and promotes fear of damnation and hate. There is a terrifying cognitive dissonance in every word they utter.

The movement is, for many, an emotional life raft. It is all that holds them together. But the ideology, while it regiments and orders lives, is merciless. Those who deviate from the ideology, including “backsliders” who leave these church organizations, are branded as heretics and subjected to little inquisitions, which are the natural outgrowth of messianic movements. If the Christian right seizes the legislative, executive and judicial branches of government, these little inquisitions will become big inquisitions.

The cult of masculinity pervades the movement. Feminism and homosexuality, believers are told, have rendered the American male physically and spiritually impotent. Jesus, for the Christian right, is a muscular man of action, casting out demons, battling the Antichrist, attacking hypocrites and castigating the corrupt. This cult of masculinity, with its glorification of violence, is deeply appealing to those who feel disempowered and humiliated. It vents the rage that drove many people into the arms of the movement. It encourages them to lash back at those who, they are told, seek to destroy them. The paranoia about the outside world is stoked through bizarre conspiracy theories, many championed in books such as Pat Robertson’s “The New World Order,” a xenophobic rant that includes attacks on liberals and democratic institutions.

The obsession with violence pervades the popular novels by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins. In their apocalyptic novel, “Glorious Appearing,” based on LaHaye’s interpretation of biblical prophecies about the Second Coming, Christ returns and eviscerates the flesh of millions of nonbelievers with the sound of his voice. There are long descriptions of horror and blood, of how “the very words of the Lord had superheated their blood, causing it to burst through their veins and skin.” Eyes disintegrate. Tongues melt. Flesh dissolves. The Left Behind series, of which this novel is a part, contains the best-selling adult novels in the country.

Violence must be used to cleanse the world. These Christian fascists are called to a perpetual state of war. “Any teaching of peace prior to [Christ’s] return is heresy…” says televangelist James Robinson.

Natural disasters, terrorist attacks, instability in Israel and even the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are seen as glorious signposts. The war in Iraq is predicted, believers insist, in the ninth chapter of the Book of Revelations, where four angels “which are bound in the great river Euphrates will be released to slay the third part of men.” The march is inevitable and irreversible and requires everyone to be ready to fight, kill and perhaps die. Global war, even nuclear war, is not to be feared, but welcomed as the harbinger of the Second Coming. And leading the avenging armies is an angry, violent Messiah who dooms hundreds of millions of apostates to a horrible and gruesome death.

The Christian right, while embracing a form of primitivism, seeks the imprint of law and science to legitimate its absurd mythologies. Its members seek this imprint because, despite their protestations to the contrary, they are a distinctly modern, totalitarian movement. They seek to co-opt the pillars of the Enlightenment in order to abolish the Enlightenment. Creationism, or “intelligent design,” like eugenics for the Nazis or “Soviet” science for Stalin, must be introduced into the mainstream as a valid scientific discipline—hence the rewriting of textbooks. The Christian right defends itself in the legal and scientific jargon of modernity. Facts and opinions, once they are used “scientifically” to support the irrational, become interchangeable. Reality is no longer based on the gathering of facts and evidence. It is based on ideology. Facts are altered. Lies become true. Hannah Arendt called it “nihilistic relativism,” although a better phrase might be collective insanity.

The Christian right has, for this reason, its own creationist “scientists” who use the language of science to promote anti-science. It has fought successfully to have creationist books sold in national park bookstores at the Grand Canyon and taught in public schools in states such as Texas, Louisiana and Arkansas. Creationism shapes the worldview of hundreds of thousands of students in Christian schools and colleges. This pseudoscience claims to have proved that all animal species, or at least their progenitors, fit on Noah’s ark. It challenges research in AIDS and pregnancy prevention. It corrupts and discredits the disciplines of biology, astronomy, geology, paleontology and physics.

Once creationists can argue on the same platform as geologists, asserting that the Grand Canyon was not created 6 billion years ago but 6,000 years ago by the great flood that lifted up Noah’s ark, we have lost. The acceptance of mythology as a legitimate alternative to reality is a body blow to the rational, secular state. The destruction of rational and empirically based belief systems is fundamental to the creation of all totalitarian ideologies. Certitude, for those who could not cope with the uncertainty of life, is one of the most powerful appeals of the movement. Dispassionate intellectual inquiry, with its constant readjustments and demand for evidence, threatens certitude. For this reason incertitude must be abolished.

“What convinces masses are not facts,” Arendt wrote in “Origins of Totalitarianism,” “and not even invented facts, but only the consistency of the system which they are presumably part. Repetition, somewhat overrated in importance because of the common belief in the masses’ inferior capacity to grasp and remember, is important because it convinces them of consistency in time.”   

Augustine defined the grace of love as Volo ut sis—I want you to be. There is, he wrote, an affirmation of the mystery of the other in relationships based on love, an affirmation of unexplained and unfathomable differences. Relationships based on love recognize that others have a right to be. These relationships accept the sacredness of difference. This acceptance means that no one individual or belief system captures or espouses an absolute truth. All struggle, in their own way, some outside of religious systems and some within them, to interpret mystery and transcendence.

The sacredness of the other is anathema for the Christian right, which cannot acknowledge the legitimacy of other ways of being and believing. If other belief systems, including atheism, have moral validity, the infallibility of the movement’s doctrine, which constitutes its chief appeal, is shattered. There can be no alternative ways to think or to be. All alternatives must be crushed.

Ideological, theological and political debates are useless with the Christian right. It does not respond to a dialogue. It is impervious to rational thought and discussion. The naive attempts to placate a movement bent on our destruction, to prove to it that we too have “values,” only strengthens its legitimacy and weakness our own. If we do not have a right to be, if our very existence is not legitimate in the eyes of God, there can be no dialogue. At this point it is a fight for survival.

Those gathered into the arms of this Christian fascist movement are desperately struggling to survive in an increasingly hostile environment. We failed them; we owe them more: This is their response. The financial dislocations, the struggles with domestic and sexual abuse, the battle against addictions, the poverty and the despair that many in the movement endure are tragic, painful and real. They have a right to their rage and alienation. But they are also being used and manipulated by forces that seek to dismantle what is left of our democracy and abolish the pluralism that was once the hallmark of our society.

The spark that could set this conflagration ablaze could be lying in the hands of a small Islamic terrorist cell. It could be in the hands of greedy Wall Street speculators who gamble with taxpayer money in the elaborate global system of casino capitalism. The next catastrophic attack, or the next economic meltdown, could be our Reichstag fire. It could be the excuse used by these totalitarian forces, this Christian fascism, to extinguish what remains of our open society.

Let us not stand meekly at the open gates of the city waiting passively for the barbarians. They are coming. They are slouching toward Bethlehem. Let us shake off our complacency and cynicism. Let us openly defy the liberal establishment, which will not save us, to demand and fight for economic reparations for our working class. Let us reincorporate these dispossessed into our economy. Let us give them a reality-based hope for the future. Time is running out. If we do not act, American fascists, clutching Christian crosses, waving American flags and orchestrating mass recitations of the Pledge of Allegiance, will use this rage to snuff us out.

Chris Hedges writes a regular column for Hedges graduated from Harvard Divinity School and was for nearly two decades a foreign correspondent for The New York Times. He is the author of many books, including: War Is A Force That Gives Us Meaning, What Every Person Should Know About War, and American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War on America.  His most recent book is Empire of Illusion: The End of Literacy and the Triumph of Spectacle


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Friday, June 4, 2010

Kucinich Finds Solution to Foreclosure Counseling Funding Problem

Kucinich Finds Solution to Foreclosure Counseling Funding Problem

Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) today found a solution to problems regarding funding home foreclosure prevention counseling efforts.  Despite the proven efficacy of counseling, commonly held interpretations of Treasury Department guidelines restricted the use of federal funds for counseling.  This restriction would have denied non-profit counseling providers the seed money required to hire and train new people for counseling opportunities.  Kucinich has been engaged in discussions with Treasury and housing officials to ensure that effective counseling can be paid for through federal funding. Kucinich today announced a path forward.

“Treasury’s new approach will allow Ohio to ramp up the number of housing counselors in the state, enable housing counseling agencies to operate in a more sustainable manner, and allow for a greater number of homeowners in need to be helped,” said Kucinich.

Congressman Kucinich has been at the forefront of addressing issues related to the foreclosure crisis, holding ten Congressional hearings on the subject, including two field hearings in Ohio.  Following Treasury’s initial announcement of the Hardest Hit Fund--which excluded Ohio--Kucinich rallied the Ohio delegation and succeeded in securing $172 million for Ohio in a second round of funding.  Further, Kucinich brought Assistant Secretary for Financial Stability, Herb Allison, to Cleveland to witness the foreclosure crisis and to hear from statewide housing experts.  At that meeting, Treasury made a commitment to foreclosure prevention counseling, which has shown to be one of the most effective programs at keeping people in their homes.

Today’s agreement with Treasury will allow Ohio to forward fund foreclosure prevention counseling efforts.  Ohio Housing Finance Agency will be able to give non-profit counseling providers access on a drawdown basis to an account to hire and train many new counselors. 

“Treasury’s new approach involves forward-funding of counseling rather than funding on a reimbursement-only basis.  Treasury agrees that this approach is consistent with its guidelines and Congressional mandate.  Treasury also agreed, at our request, to contact Ohio housing agencies and explain the change in interpretation,” added Kucinich.

Research has demonstrated that borrowers are more likely to receive home loan modifications, and are more likely to stay current on their mortgages once they are modified, when foreclosure prevention counselors are involved in the loan modification process.


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BWN v4

Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) today found a solution to problems regarding funding home foreclosure prevention counseling efforts.  Despite the proven efficacy of counseling, commonly held interpretations of Treasury Department guidelines restricted the use of federal funds for counseling.  This restriction would have denied non-profit counseling providers the seed money required to hire and train new people for counseling opportunities.  Kucinich has been engaged in discussions with Treasury and housing officials to ensure that effective counseling can be paid for through federal funding. Kucinich today announced a path forward.

“Treasury’s new approach will allow Ohio to ramp up the number of housing counselors in the state, enable housing counseling agencies to operate in a more sustainable manner, and allow for a greater number of homeowners in need to be helped,” said Kucinich.

Congressman Kucinich has been at the forefront of addressing issues related to the foreclosure crisis, holding ten Congressional hearings on the subject, including two field hearings in Ohio.  Following Treasury’s initial announcement of the Hardest Hit Fund--which excluded Ohio--Kucinich rallied the Ohio delegation and succeeded in securing $172 million for Ohio in a second round of funding.  Further, Kucinich brought Assistant Secretary for Financial Stability, Herb Allison, to Cleveland to witness the foreclosure crisis and to hear from statewide housing experts.  At that meeting, Treasury made a commitment to foreclosure prevention counseling, which has shown to be one of the most effective programs at keeping people in their homes.

Today’s agreement with Treasury will allow Ohio to forward fund foreclosure prevention counseling efforts.  Ohio Housing Finance Agency will be able to give non-profit counseling providers access on a drawdown basis to an account to hire and train many new counselors. 

“Treasury’s new approach involves forward-funding of counseling rather than funding on a reimbursement-only basis.  Treasury agrees that this approach is consistent with its guidelines and Congressional mandate.  Treasury also agreed, at our request, to contact Ohio housing agencies and explain the change in interpretation,” added Kucinich.

Research has demonstrated that borrowers are more likely to receive home loan modifications, and are more likely to stay current on their mortgages once they are modified, when foreclosure prevention counselors are involved in the loan modification process.


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Thursday, June 3, 2010

Watch campaign video that helped elect the new major of Reykjavik, Iceland

Watch this campaign video that helped elect the new major of Reykjavik, Iceland

'We want to city that's cuddly and cool...

Stop the usual bluffs.
Doing better isn't all that tough.

Send it all back.

Things have gone sour.
Time for clean up hour.

Sustainable transparency.


Comedian elected Reykjavik’s mayor

By Andrew Ward in Stockholm

Published: May 31 2010 23:06 | Last updated: May 31 2010 23:06

Jon Gnarr Kristinsson finished his latest stand-up comedy tour last week. Now he is ready to embark on a career as mayor of Reykjavik.

The popular comic actor looks set to take charge of the Icelandic capital after his satirical political party won the most votes in local elections over the weekend.

Mr Kristinsson, whose spoof platform included free towels in swimming pools and a polar bear for the city zoo, says his victory signals mass discontent with politicians after the country’s 2008 banking crisis.

“I think they will have to rethink their whole existence after this,” the writer and star of several comedy films and sitcoms told the Financial Times on Monday.

Mr Kristinsson set up the Best party last November as a satire of the political incompetence and, in some cases, corruption that contributed to Iceland’s banking boom and bust.

But the parody was seized on quickly by voters looking for a way to vent their anger against the ruling elite, two months after an official report accused the Icelandic government and regulators of “extreme negligence” in the run-up to the crisis.

Mr Kristinsson’s party won 34.7 per cent of the vote and six of the 15 council seats – just short of an overall majority. He said talks were under way with the centre-left Social Democrats to form a coalition, with him as mayor.

“I love this city very much so I really want to do a good job,” he said. “I will keep my humour and use it to my advantage. It is my aim to be International Mayor of the Year for 2012.”

Other Best party candidates elected included Einar Orn Benediktsson, a former singer with the Sugarcubes, an Icelandic pop band.

In an election video posted on YouTube, Mr Kristinsson and his colleagues sang a version of the Tina Turner anthem “Simply the Best” in which they promised to make Reykjavik “cuddly, clean and cool” and give the “blathering loons” of the traditional parties a “new home in the city zoo”.

Johanna Sigurdardottir, Iceland’s prime minister, acknowledged that the result was a vote of no confidence in the political establishment.

“This is a big shock, a crash landing for the four political parties,” Ms Sigurdardottir told RUV, the public broadcaster.

Ms Sigurdardottir’s Social Democrats were swept to power with the Left-Green party last year in a revolt against the conservative Independence party, which led Iceland into crisis.

However, the government has slumped in popularity as it struggles to rebuild the shattered economy and both ruling parties finished behind the Independence party in the vote on Saturday.

Jon Baldvin Hannibalsson, a former finance minister and foreign minister for the Social Democrats, said Icelanders were showing the “classical response” to economic crisis. “First comes the anger and the revolution. Then, when the revolution fails, you get a vacuum. The Best party has stepped into that vacuum,” he said. “We have had a lot of politicians who are obviously buffoons, so these are no worse.”

Mr. Gnarr, a popular radio host, conceptual artist and comedian, is poised to win Saturday's municipal election here.

With its special brand of absurdist nihilism, and under a slogan that loosely translates to "Whatever Works!" Mr. Gnarr's Best Party is tapping into the national protest mood.

Residents of this nation of 320,000 were incensed when a recent parliamentary report exposed the close relationships that existed between politicians and the brash bankers who fueled a colossal credit bubble that laid waste to the country's economy in 2008.

Now, many are embracing Mr. Gnarr's campaign as a way to send a message that they will no longer tolerate the politics-as-usual that led to the financial disaster.

The Mayor's Office - A Jon Gnarr Comedy Show

"A joke is a very serious thing"

Winston Churchill

  The results of the elections on Saturday were historical. What started as a joke has now made the joker, Jon Gnarr the next mayor of Reykjavik but his party, the Best Party, got 34,7% of the votes. Without any prior experience - or interest - in politics, it is now his job to form a new functioning city council. 

Jon Gnarr looked shocked when the first numbers came in, while the leaders of the other parties declared victory, despite losing more than ever. Somehow, politicians seems to have the talent for turning a loss into victory. 

It looks as we will not get Disneyland to downtown Reykjavik, despite the Best Party's victory. But we might get free towels in the swimming pools and a polar bear to the local zoo - and hopefully, a sustainable transparency, as promised. 

It will be tricky for Jon Gnarr, and I don't think he imagined him self being a mayor for the next four years. But he says he's up for it and I hope he will actually make some of those changes promised, crowdsourcing city tasks and challenges, bringing the politics closer to the people and actually getting an RV as the mayors car so he can drive around and drink coffee with the citizens. Maybe he could even take it one step further and turn the mayors office into a weekly reality show. That would be something new.

He'll need to be creative if the joke is to be funny for four more years. But he's not alone, he's got some of the most creative minds on board, including Einar Örn from the Sugarcubes and a music producer, Óttar Proppé, a well known artist. In his propaganda video to Tina Turner's song Simply the Best Jonsi from SigurRós is singing with him and he has been mentioned as the parties presidental candidate in the presidental election in two years. (correction - Jonsi is not in the video, but has been mentioned as the party's presidential candidate). There's no turning back now and it is my hope that he will make some actual changes to some of the ridiculousness that has become the norm in politics.

So who is he, this Jon Gnarr?
He's a comedian and has been a part of some of the most popular comedy shows for the last 10-15 years. He's got no education and didn't even finish elementary school because of his ADHD. Yet, he is the man who manages to break up the system, the four party system that everyone is fed up with and has lost confident in. In my town, Hafnarfjordur, which is a suburb to Reykjavik, there were no other options than the traditional four. As a result, voter turnout was record low, only 65%, and 14,6% returned an empty vote in protest. 

We'll have to see if we'll still be laughing in four years from now.


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Wednesday, June 2, 2010

UN Urges Global Move to Meat and Dairy-Free Diet

Lesser consumption of animal products is necessary to save the world from the worst impacts of climate change, UN report says

by Felicity Carus

A global shift towards a vegan diet is vital to save the world from hunger, fuel poverty and the worst impacts of climate change, a UN report said today.

[An cattle ranch in Mato Grosso, Brazil. The UN says agriculture is on a par with fossil fuel consumption because both rise rapidly with increased economic growth. (Photograph: HO/Reuters)]An cattle ranch in Mato Grosso, Brazil. The UN says agriculture is on a par with fossil fuel consumption because both rise rapidly with increased economic growth. (Photograph: HO/Reuters)
As the global population surges towards a predicted 9.1 billion people by 2050, western tastes for diets rich in meat and dairy products are unsustainable, says the report from United Nations Environment Programme's (UNEP) international panel of sustainable resource management.

It says: "Impacts from agriculture are expected to increase substantially due to population growth increasing consumption of animal products. Unlike fossil fuels, it is difficult to look for alternatives: people have to eat. A substantial reduction of impacts would only be possible with a substantial worldwide diet change, away from animal products."

Professor Edgar Hertwich, the lead author of the report, said: "Animal products cause more damage than [producing] construction minerals such as sand or cement, plastics or metals. Biomass and crops for animals are as damaging as [burning] fossil fuels."

The recommendation follows advice last year that a vegetarian diet was better for the planet from Lord Nicholas Stern, former adviser to the Labour government on the economics of climate change. Dr Rajendra Pachauri, chair of the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), has also urged people to observe one meat-free day a week to curb carbon emissions.

The panel of experts ranked products, resources, economic activities and transport according to their environmental impacts. Agriculture was on a par with fossil fuel consumption because both rise rapidly with increased economic growth, they said.

Ernst von Weizsaecker, an environmental scientist who co-chaired the panel, said: "Rising affluence is triggering a shift in diets towards meat and dairy products - livestock now consumes much of the world's crops and by inference a great deal of freshwater, fertilisers and pesticides."

Both energy and agriculture need to be "decoupled" from economic growth because environmental impacts rise roughly 80% with a doubling of income, the report found.

Achim Steiner, the UN under-secretary general and executive director of the UNEP, said: "Decoupling growth from environmental degradation is the number one challenge facing governments in a world of rising numbers of people, rising incomes, rising consumption demands and the persistent challenge of poverty alleviation."

The panel, which drew on numerous studies including the Millennium ecosystem assessment, cites the following pressures on the environment as priorities for governments around the world: climate change, habitat change, wasteful use of nitrogen and phosphorus in fertilisers, over-exploitation of fisheries, forests and other resources, invasive species, unsafe drinking water and sanitation, lead exposure, urban air pollution and occupational exposure to particulate matter.

Agriculture, particularly meat and dairy products, accounts for 70% of global freshwater consumption, 38% of the total land use and 19% of the world's greenhouse gas emissions, says the report, which has been launched to coincide with UN World Environment day on Saturday.

Last year the UN's Food and Agriculture Organisation said that food production would have to increase globally by 70% by 2050 to feed the world's surging population. The panel says that efficiency gains in agriculture will be overwhelmed by the expected population growth.

Prof Hertwich, who is also the director of the industrial ecology programme at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, said that developing countries – where much of this population growth will take place – must not follow the western world's pattern of increasing consumption: "Developing countries should not follow our model. But it's up to us to develop the technologies in, say, renewable energy or irrigation methods."


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Oregon's Special Programs at Farmers' Markets Focus on Nutrition

Oregon's 100 farmers' market are now open for business and they
offer produce to low income, nutritionally-needy families and elderly citizens as part of
the state's Farm Direct Nutrition Program.

$4 checks distributed to low-income, nutritionally at-risk pregnant women and young children enrolled in the Women, Infants and Children Program. The effort also covers low-income seniors.

Oregon's Special Programs at Farmers' Markets Focus on Nutrition

Nearly nine out of ten American consumers are concerned about the nutritional content of the food they eat while seven out of ten consider nutrition the most important consideration when shopping for edibles, new studies reveal.

"If you walk onto any farmers' market site, the whole marketplace is a big playground of nutrition," says Laura Barton, Oregon Department of Agriculture trade manager. "Farmers' markets offer fresh fruits and vegetables, just packed with nutrients."

A national survey of more than 1,000 consumers commissioned by the United Soybean Board found an overwhelming response in favor of purchasing nutritious foods while shopping.  Another survey conducted by IBM also shows consumers place a premium on nutrition even though the tough U.S. economy has elevated the importance of value shopping.

Oregon's 100 farmers' market are now open for business and they
offer produce to low income, nutritionally-needy families and elderly citizens as part of
the state's Farm Direct Nutrition Program.

ODA works with market vendors, mostly growers, to ensure their participation in the program, which brings more than $1 million into the hands of Oregon producers each year.

"Many farmers are delighted to participate in the program because it makes them feel really good that these consumers are able to buy their product and get much needed nutrition," says Barton.

The program, which began this month (cq for June), funds in the form of $4 checks distributed to low-income, nutritionally at-risk pregnant women and young children enrolled in the Women, Infants and Children Program. The effort also covers low-income seniors.

These checks can be used through Oct. 31 to purchase locally-produced fresh fruits and vegetables directly from authorized producers at farm stands and farmers' markets.

A new separate program now provides another opportunity for farmers and WIC families, says Barton. Women and children enrolled in the Oregon WIC project will receive  additional vouchers on a monthly basis to purchase fresh and frozen foods and vegetables year-round at authorized farmers and farm stands as well as farmers' markets.

Called the Oregon WIC Fruit and Veggie Voucher program, it allows recipients to buy produce at WIC-authorized grocery stores. Because the program operates all  year, vendors at early opening and late-season closing of farmers' markets will have a chance to sell even more produce items to WIC shoppers.


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BWN - Health v4

Oregon's 100 farmers' market are now open for business and they
offer produce to low income, nutritionally-needy families and elderly citizens as part of
the state's Farm Direct Nutrition Program.

$4 checks distributed to low-income, nutritionally at-risk pregnant women and young children enrolled in the Women, Infants and Children Program. The effort also covers low-income seniors.

Oregon's Special Programs at Farmers' Markets Focus on Nutrition

Nearly nine out of ten American consumers are concerned about the nutritional content of the food they eat while seven out of ten consider nutrition the most important consideration when shopping for edibles, new studies reveal.

"If you walk onto any farmers' market site, the whole marketplace is a big playground of nutrition," says Laura Barton, Oregon Department of Agriculture trade manager. "Farmers' markets offer fresh fruits and vegetables, just packed with nutrients."

A national survey of more than 1,000 consumers commissioned by the United Soybean Board found an overwhelming response in favor of purchasing nutritious foods while shopping.  Another survey conducted by IBM also shows consumers place a premium on nutrition even though the tough U.S. economy has elevated the importance of value shopping.

Oregon's 100 farmers' market are now open for business and they
offer produce to low income, nutritionally-needy families and elderly citizens as part of
the state's Farm Direct Nutrition Program.

ODA works with market vendors, mostly growers, to ensure their participation in the program, which brings more than $1 million into the hands of Oregon producers each year.

"Many farmers are delighted to participate in the program because it makes them feel really good that these consumers are able to buy their product and get much needed nutrition," says Barton.

The program, which began this month (cq for June), funds in the form of $4 checks distributed to low-income, nutritionally at-risk pregnant women and young children enrolled in the Women, Infants and Children Program. The effort also covers low-income seniors.

These checks can be used through Oct. 31 to purchase locally-produced fresh fruits and vegetables directly from authorized producers at farm stands and farmers' markets.

A new separate program now provides another opportunity for farmers and WIC families, says Barton. Women and children enrolled in the Oregon WIC project will receive  additional vouchers on a monthly basis to purchase fresh and frozen foods and vegetables year-round at authorized farmers and farm stands as well as farmers' markets.

Called the Oregon WIC Fruit and Veggie Voucher program, it allows recipients to buy produce at WIC-authorized grocery stores. Because the program operates all  year, vendors at early opening and late-season closing of farmers' markets will have a chance to sell even more produce items to WIC shoppers.


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Social Networking Asymmetry Takes Down Corporate & Government Propaganda

The asymmetry in money spent and effect achieved between the two sides is staggering.

Social media is cheap and is antithetical to centralized bodies and subverts their authority.

Money is not the answer: forward-looking and creative use of traditional and
new media is of urgent importance


... spent almost nothing on their campaign.
government ... poured millions

For a country so technologically advanced
to fail so miserably at preparing a communications offensive over new media is a failure of strategic proportions.

And it was all so utterly predictable.

In his book Free, WIRED editor Chris Anderson
practically everything Web technology touches starts down the path to gratis,
at least as far as we consumers are concerned.

There’s never been a more competitive market than the Internet, and
every day the marginal cost of digital information comes closer to nothing,”

How much money did it cost the organizers of the Free Gaza Flotilla to get their message out across the world?

Almost nothing.

The live streams and accompanying video, text and photos were twittered, Facebooked, Flickred and YouTubed without any additional costs.

How much did it cost the activists on some of the Flotilla ships to Tweet updates, messages, and video from the boats?
Answer: Nothing. It’s free.

lack of coverage in the UK media of their story,
started twittering about it, and for a few hours, that became the discussion:
why are the BBC and others not reporting on the mission to #BreakTheSiege by the #FreedomFlotilla?

After several hours of this sustained campaign, dozens of bloggers and twitterers claimed success, saying that UK news websites were starting to devote more attention to the story.

Conversely, how much money did it cost the Israeli government
Millions of shekels.

And now after the fact, how much money is it costing Israel to bolster security at embassies and consulates across the world
it won’t be cheap.

The asymmetry in money spent and effect achieved between the two sides is staggering.
Call it the # sign versus the $ sign.

The flotilla organizers spent almost nothing and won the day

In events like these, the traditional media take their cue from social media,
whose ‘reporters’ are on the scene.
TV stations use images and sounds they find posted on Twitter, not the other way round.
This is also good for them because it means they don’t have to spend money on sending crews on site.

But why is Twitter so important?
And does it have any real-world impact?
Just ask the Iranian regime

traditional media relied on material smuggled out through the social networks.
Social media is cheap and is antithetical to centralized bodies and subverts their authority.

It is, so far, proving to be one of the asymmetrical weapons of choice for grassroots activists.

money is not the only issue
the people charged with disseminating Israel’s message still don’t get it.

Money is not the answer: forward-looking and creative use of traditional and
new media is of urgent importance.

“The Web is all about scale, finding ways to attract the most users for centralized resources,
spreading those costs over larger and larger audiences
as the technology gets more and more capable.”

How Free Explains Israel’s Flotilla FAIL

Amir Mizroch is the executive editor of The Jerusalem Post. This is his first contribution to Danger Room.

The organizers of the “Free Gaza” flotilla spent almost nothing on their campaign. The government of Israel poured millions into its botched raid on the ships — and now is in a worse position than when the flotilla launched. How did it happen? Part of the problem is that the Israeli government never bothered to read WIRED.

Israeli commandos may not have known that members of the Free Gaza flotilla were carrying knives, guns, and metal bars. But they should have known that many in the incoming flotilla were armed with cameras, cell phones, blogs and Twitter accounts. For a country so technologically advanced, and with such acute public diplomacy challenges, to fail so miserably at preparing a communications offensive over new media is a failure of strategic proportions.

And it was all so utterly predictable. In his book Free, WIRED editor Chris Anderson lays out a new media model that foreshadowed the flotilla meltdown. “It’s now clear that practically everything Web technology touches starts down the path to gratis, at least as far as we consumers are concerned. Storage (unlimited email storage) now joins bandwidth (YouTube: free) and processing power (Google: free) in the race to the bottom. There’s never been a more competitive market than the Internet, and every day the marginal cost of digital information comes closer to nothing,” Anderson writes.

How much money did it cost the organizers of the Free Gaza Flotilla to get their message out across the world?

Answer: Almost nothing. Turkish TV placed a camera on one of the flotilla ships and kept it on all the time to livestream events on the boat, while constantly placing activists in front of the camera to speak about their cause. The costs of a camera, some other technical equipment, and hosting of a website are negligible.

The original sites that were established to livestream the events from the flotilla, like and were quickly mimicked and their numbers mushroomed.

The live streams and accompanying video, text and photos were twittered, Facebooked, Flickred and YouTubed without any additional costs.

How much did it cost the activists on some of the Flotilla ships to Tweet updates, messages, and video from the boats?

Answer: Nothing. It’s free. All they had to do was put a # sign before the word Flotilla, or Freedomflotilla and everyone that follows them on Twitter automatically sees it, and can re-tweet and reply to the original message if they so wish. In the days leading up to the Free Gaza raid, #Flotilla, #Gazaflotilla, and #Freedomflotilla rose dramatically in Twitter’s popularity ranks. Now, with the added element of violence and death, and the increased media attention to the story, these Twitter trends are only spiking further.

On Monday, when flotilla activists felt there was a lack of coverage in the UK media of their story, they started twittering about it, and for a few hours, that became the discussion: why are the BBC and others not reporting on the mission to #BreakTheSiege by the #FreedomFlotilla?

After several hours of this sustained campaign, dozens of bloggers and twitterers claimed success, saying that UK news websites were starting to devote more attention to the story.

Conversely, how much money did it cost the Israeli government to cancel all vacations for Navy personnel, have them all on standby, keep several surveillance planes in the air to watch the flotilla, keep destroyers ready to intercept the incoming flotilla, intercept the boats, set up a holding and transit facility at Ashdod to process all the activists brought there, and put all the activists on planes and buy them tickets back to their countries of origin?

Answer: Millions of shekels.

And now after the fact, how much money is it costing Israel to bolster security at embassies and consulates across the world; to send out thousands of police across the country to quell riots; to treat all the foreign wounded at our hospitals? How costly will the worsening relations with much of the international community be?

Answer: This is hard to quantify, but it won’t be cheap.

The asymmetry in money spent and effect achieved between the two sides is staggering. Call it the # sign versus the $ sign. The flotilla organizers spent almost nothing and won the day; Israel spent huge amounts of money and ended up with egg on its face. The narrative that navy commandos were attacked with metal bars, knives, and possibly guns while trying to take over a flotilla meant to break the naval blockade on Gaza – after Israel offered to transfer humanitarian aid – was drowned out on the social media networks by charges of an unprovoked massacre of peaceful activists on a humanitarian mission to besieged Gaza. In events like these, the traditional media take their cue from social media, whose ‘reporters’ are on the scene. TV stations use images and sounds they find posted on Twitter, not the other way round. This is also good for them because it means they don’t have to spend money on sending crews on site.

But why is Twitter so important? And does it have any real-world impact? Just ask the Iranian regime, who pulled out all the stops, and the generators, to try shut down the social networking site just this year when the popular uprising against Ahmadinejad’s stolen re-election relied heavily on Twitter to organize rallies and smuggle out photos and videos of regime suppression. Here again traditional media relied on material smuggled out through the social networks. Social media is cheap and is antithetical to centralized bodies and subverts their authority. It is, so far, proving to be one of the asymmetrical weapons of choice for grassroots activists.

At the other end of the spectrum, Israeli officials, especially those in the Foreign Ministry, the Information Directorate of the Prime Minister’s Office, Minister for Public Diplomacy Yuli Edelstein, the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit, and others, decry the lack of money and resources that Israel spends on its public diplomacy, on its hasbara. They point out that the MFA’s PR budget is smaller than the advertising budget for one of Israel’s yogurt companies. For instance, one of the ideas bandied about in recent years has been the establishment of an “Israeli Al-Jazeera” to pump out Israel’s message 24 hours a day on satellite TV. (And no, it wouldn’t feature videos this like this.) There have even been serious attempts to find the vast amount of money to do this, with the finances mostly coming from Jewish philanthropists in the U.S. But these attempts have come to naught. Other attempts to re-brand Israel away from its image as a land of conflict and occupation, such as creating “Tel-Aviv beaches” in Vienna, Manhattan, and several other locations have failed abysmally. Each ‘beach’ cost the state over $100,000 – with the sand, the money, and their purpose scattered by the first wind.

It is becoming increasingly clear that money is not the only issue, and that the people charged with disseminating Israel’s message still don’t get it. Setting aside the obvious issue of real diplomatic progress with the Palestinians and other Arab states, and the effect that would have on Israel’s image, the tiny, brainy and resourceful Jewish state is light years away from its adversaries on communicating its message. Money is not the answer: forward-looking and creative use of traditional and new media is of urgent importance.

WIRED’s Anderson writes: “The Web is all about scale, finding ways to attract the most users for centralized resources, spreading those costs over larger and larger audiences as the technology gets more and more capable.”

While Israel is justifiably known as the world’s “Start-up Nation” for its technological dynamism and entrepreneurship, we are being beaten hands down on the PR uses of this new technology. We may be a start up nation, but we are bricks and mortar communicators. Our adversaries have cntrl-alt-deleted us.

Amir Mizroch, cross-posted to Forecast Highs